use of CEFR (in Europe at least) as it provides descriptive scheme for language use but also L teaching and learning + Common Reference Level which identifies proficiency levels, and competences such as linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and general (declarative knowledge e.g. sociocultural, inter-cultural, social, existential e.g. personality and ability to learn) :star:
CEFR provides linguistic competency descriptive scales BUT NOT for general competencies - attempts failed for sociocultural knowledge as linguistic and cultural knowledge are not necessarily parallel competencies (translations?) so going to be challenging for TPs also :no_entry:
Ts will have to develop own scaled descriptors for ICS and online literacies (NOT EASY) :no_entry: :star:
openness to other cultures, willingness to act in an approved way, being curious can be seen as ideological as not all societies will view these as positive attributes- :no_entry: