Cherish Your Place in the Kingdom Arrangment
God's Kingdom Now Rules
a. What is it?
b. Ruling since 1914
c. It's the Best
The King & His CoRulers
a. Jesus- King & Judge
b. Corulers - READ - Rev 14:1
Loyal Subjects of the Kingdom
b. READ Matt 25:31-33
c. Phil 1:27a and footnote Kingdom Citizens
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Kingdom Blessings will Last Forever
a. Matt 24:14 QUOTE
b. Take your stand now
Daniel 2:44 READ
Same kingdom Jesus constantly spoke about and told followers to pray for - (Matthew 6:9,10 - quote) "let your kingdom come, let you will be done on earth as in heaven"
Bible Prophecy and World Conditions
JWs happy to explain the evidence
superior to all human governments
cares for it's subject spiritually, emotionally, & physically
READ Isa 9:6,7 - prophecy about the future king, Jesus is fulfilling
How do we know this? One measure of a good govt - How does it respond to disasters, when it's people need real help?
Wonderful Counseler
Mighty God
Eternal Father
Prince of Peace
Justice and Righteousness
Peace no end
7 - firmly established through justice and righteousness = Incorruptible
resurrected to heaven when they die
kings and priests
Before, on Earth
Help others gain God's approval
How feel about their place?
at Philippians 3:14, one of these, Paul, referred to hope as a "prize" - shared feeling, cherish it
God's Word and Will
human nature
getting to the heart of issues
best solutions to daily problems
spearhead the preaching work
adoptive father for those exercising faith
2nd only to Jehovah
judges in Israel sometimes referred to as gods
Not a Tyrant
Pic 3 - survivors
a. QUOTE at Rev 7:9 - "a great crowd without number"
vs 14 - "come out of the great tribulation" "washed their robes in the blood of the lamb"
no number
survive great tribulation
sheep sepated from goats
toward end of great tribulation
faith in Jesus ransom
Matt 25:34-40
Why survive?
Loyal support of Christ's brothers
How support them? QUOTE - Matt 28:19,20 - Make disciples, helping people to take a stand for Jehovah
requires active participation in this work
a. pure language - Jehovah's
learn truth - Jehovah's thinking and feelings
fluency takes time
b. study the history
Live in harmony with; way of life;
God's earthly organization
always supports his people
it is real
c. Laws
Do we delight in it every day?
beyond knowledge, love them; slice of Jehovah's mind; He's completely open to us; be open to Him
global preaching work to end soon
only those sheeplike survivors left
whole earth united under Kingdom Rule
almost 9 million already united
resurrected ones given a chance
READ Rev 21:3,4
Hurricanes Irma and Maria - Puerto Rico Sept 2018
Relief supplies and Shepherding immediate
18,000 volunteers
Picture 2- heavenly govt
Jesus perfect reflection of Jehovah
more than just forming good habits and routines; allowing God to change us;
to become better; to be greater than the sum of our parts; to be like him
righteous standing before God
Pic 4 new world bridge
pic 5 resurection centers
106 KHs, 2 Assembly Halls, 783 homes repaired, 73 rebuilt
Who is the ruler of this kingdom? Who are it's people? How can we be part of this? Where do we fit in? What is our part?
Picture 1
7 - increase of his rulership no end (ftn. govt, princely rule) - conditions will keep getting better and better for all
How does Jesus feel about his place in the Kingdom? His entire life shows he cherishes his place
To become a citizen requires work
Cherish your opportunity to be a kingdom citizen!
Good news preached in all the earth, and then the End will come