The Marxism of the 21st century and the digital economy



Digital economy

The use of the network as a global platform for the creation of wealth, and the distribution and consume of goods and services

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)

Digital Business

Provide the necessary tools for the processing, administration and distribution of information through various media or technological devices


Big Data Analyst in real time

Customization of customer needs

New Generations

Professional knowledge

Forms of specialized thinking and development of new technologies

Increase of new products and competitive companies

Century XIX - XX

Century XXI



Information managed by algorithms

Social engineering

Social networks

digital currency


Greater number of competitors and greater offers with high quality products

Everything at your fingertips and wishes

Trends to synthetic materials

New business model, economic and labor practices

New forms of fun


Adventure companies


Technological changes with great social impacts

External workforce

Open economy to opportunities

Reduced salary

Specific task

The surplus value

It is not paid for the amount of wealth produced by the worker, but for hours of work performed

Improve productivity

Payment proportional to the task performed

The marx

Industrial Revolution

Concept of Capitalism and the Proletariat

Fight of social classes and emergence of workers' unions

Social policy ideas

Increase of the population and migratory movements

Births of new forms of transport (air, land, water)

The workers movement

Birth of companies and the distribution of work