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PBIS Coggle ((Evan:, Engage the student:…
PBIS Coggle
Engage the student:
Assign a partner:
Assign a classroom Job:
Behavior contract:
Daily Behavior Form:
Individual & Visual Schedules:
Time Out:
In School Suspension
Counselor Referral:
Deep Breathing:
Reflection Sheet:
Frequent Home Contact:
Structured breaks:
Daily Behavior Form:
Teaching relaxation Techniques:
Counselor Referral:
Behavior Intervention Plan:
Seclusion and Restraint:
Case Study 1:Evan is an 11-year-old student at K elementary school. He is in the 4th grade and has been attending K elementary school since the 1st grade. K Elementary School is a private elementary school in Seoul South Korea. Since K Elementary School is a private elementary school, he attends English class 8 times as opposed to the 3 hours a week he would if he attended public school. The curriculum is also more advanced than that of a public school. Evan, who has never been particularly good in English continues to be left behind while many of his other students have developed at a steady pace or even excel. He is often distracted and unmotivated and has no interest in learning English. His classwork is usually poorly done, and his homework is also completed late and in a similar fashion.
Tier 1 Interventions
For my Tier 1 interventions I will be choosing; engage the student, assigning a partner, and assigning a job or responsibility. I believe these more traditional approaches will allow the student model behavior from the teacher and other students in the classroom which will hopefully redirect their thinking that they can unlock their potential and change who they are. It also puts a lot of the responsibility on the student to improve their own behavior and evaluate what kind of student they might want to become.
Engage the student: Engaging the student is a good way to begin an intervention. It allows the teacher to build a rapport with the student, encourages the student to become more involved in the class, and by establishing a relationship with the student, it helps the student by into the class more. In my opinion engaging the student in a one on one setting after the class is finished would be the best time. It allows for the teacher and student to talk outside the prying curious eyes of other students.
Assign a partner: Often in classrooms, paired setting arrangements are established. Assigning a helpful or “model student” will allow the student, to seek help in a more constructive and less public manner by quietly eliciting help from the person next to them. This also helps them to buy in by directly seeing the kind of behavior that is considered positive. It can also help lower the stress or anxiety levels of that student. The best way to achieve this is to let the troubled student know that the teacher will be choosing a specialized partner for that student and that this isn’t a way of punishing him or her but to help them. Next would be to choose the model student and finally have a meeting with the two of them together to lay out a plan.
Assigning a Job/responsibility: Giving a student more responsibility such as collecting and distributing classroom materials, being the class captain, or leading the students during transition time is a great way to enhance confidence. It creates a sense of ownership for that student. In order to implement this strategy, it would be a good idea to let the student how important it is for the student to take on a task that helps them and helps the classroom. Also allow the student to pick from a few tasks to choose the one that he/she would best like. Also it would rotate the student into different tasks after his/her initial choice has been completed.
Tier 2 Interventions:
For my tier 2 interventions I will be choosing; daily behavior form, behavioral contract, and Individual visual schedules. If tier 1 interventions do not work with Evan, it’s time to increase the stakes a bit and tier 2 has more tangible solutions that the student can see and feel what they have to do. These are all solutions are all more formal and can be linked with one another
Behavior Contract: By entering into a behavior contract the exact expectations are now written down on a paper so the student can see what he/she must do in the classroom. It provides the student with more one and one help, increased responsibility and improves communication with the student and parents with the school and teacher. After engaging the student hasn’t worked this is a good follow up to that intervention and should be created after the student continues to not live up to expectations in the classroom
Daily Behavior form: In addition to the behavior contract this is a good supplement to help add more structure daily. This can further target the changes specified in the behavior contract. It also promotes further communication with all the involved parties to see how the student is doing each day. This should be done in concert with the behavior contract
Individual & Visual Schedules: An individual schedule allows the student to take the initiative and help him/her complete the tasks on their daily behavior form. It helps decrease wasted time and helps the student complete tasks more quickly and efficiently. The schedule should be lamented and placed either on the student’s desk, in their daily schedule book or a large binder that he/she has easy access too.
Tier 3 Interventions
For my tier 3 interventions I will be choosing the following; Alternatives to Suspension (specifically in school suspension), Counselor Referral, and Time Out (Structured Time Out). After Tier 2 has failed it’s time to get more serious. Students should know there are consequences for failing to live up to their expectations especially when writing a contract. Outside help such as a trained psychologist or psychiatrist maybe be necessary to get more out of the student.
Time Out: When the student simply isn’t living up to expectations in the moment, the student will have to know there are consequences. Time outs can be effective in getting the student to refocus his concentration and complete his or her work. Its easy to implement, increases structure for the student, and provides the student with predictable consequences for not living up to his/her end of the bargain.
Alternative to Suspension: (In School Suspension) When timeouts are not working and the student is so far behind, he/she can’t keep up, an in school suspension may be effective in helping that student catch up. During the in-school suspension the student can either be allowed to finish up classwork or homework that he/she has not done or be given new work to complete during this time. Hopefully it will help the student realize that it’s in his/her best interest to rejoin the community that is his/her class
Counselor Referral: Referring to the student to an outside counselor provides extra assistance for the student. This should be done with consent from the parent. With the team of three parents, teacher, and counselor a more comprehensive diagnosis and plan for the student can be made. These three entities can then cooperate and work together to help get the most out of the student. It provides a safe place for the student to share his/her thoughts, feelings and needs. Perhaps the student simply needs a different way of learning or completing his/her tasks that a teacher can’t identify by his/her self.
Tier 1 interventions:
For my tier 1 interventions I will be choosing the following; Deep Breathing, Reflection Sheets, and Frequent Home Contact. This tier is mostly about collecting information and managing Rolando’s outburst in a simple way.
Deep Breathing: Students like Rolando often get overwhelmed in many situations where he has trouble understanding or expressing himself. So, to bring Rolando back into a controllable situation deep breathing could really help him. It has a calming effect on the child, it is quiet and non-disruptive, and it’s easy to teach and learn for any age. This ideally can be done at anytime when the child is having an outburst.
Reflection Sheets: In order to Rolando to improve his behavior he first must be understand his behavior. People learn by reflecting on their feelings and actions. In order to better understand his issues Rolando would benefit by filling out reflection sheets to understand his feelings at the time of his outbursts. The student should be removed to a private area which is quiet and calming. There he can freely reflect on his behavior
Frequent Home Contact: As mentioned Rolando’s father is very supportive of Rolando and his efforts to become a more stable student. Keeping his father up to date on his situation, can better help Rolando’s father manage Rolando’s feelings at home. In tandem with his teacher Rolando’s father can be an extension to the techniques Rolando is learning and using at school. Phone calls or formal reports home can better help Rolando’s father understand what is going on.
Tier 2 Interventions:
For my Tier 2 interventions I will be choosing the following. Structured breaks, daily behavior form, teaching relation techniques. As Rolando continues to have outbursts, some more serious forms of behavior modification.
Structured breaks: When Rolando has outbursts it’s important to pull him away from the situation. Doing it on a schedule so he can refocus himself and avoid a power struggle between the teachers and the students would be beneficial for Rolando.
Daily Behavior Form: As opposed to the reflection sheets that are only filled out when there is an incident this will be filled out everyday to better help manage his emotional state. We can now get a glimpse of both the good times and the bad times to better help create the environment where Rolando can be kept in a stable situation.
Teaching Relaxation Techniques: This is a step up from the easy deep breathing technique. When that doesn’t work different approaches to relaxation will need be taught to Roland to better manage his anger.
Tier 3 Interventions:
For my tier 3 interventions I will be choosing the following; Behavior Intervention Plan, Counselor Referral, and seclusion and restraint. As Rolando’s behavior is getting increasingly dangerous it’s time to consider professional help.
Counselor Referral: As regular classroom management is no longer helpful to Rolando, it’s time to send him to an outside counselor in order to better manage his feelings. Seeking Behavior modification therapy could go a long way to dealing with is problems
Behavior Intervention Plan: In coordination with his counselor a more detailed and individualized plan specifically for Rolando can be instituted at his school to help deal with his behavior.
Seclusion and Restraint: In times when Rolando’s behavior is truly dangerous and cannot handled, the school should follow federal and state guidelines under the supervision of a trained professional and restrain Rolando so he doesn’t hurt himself or any persons around him.
Angry & Explosive Rolando:
Rolando is an angry young boy who has an angry and explosive temper. He violently lashes out at the teacher and other students. He was homeless with his mother who had a diagnosed mental illness and his sister. His father was able to rescue him and move him to his current living situation. Rolando is smart and capable of doing all his work. What he needs most is a stable person to help guide him through his trials and tribulations.