A 23 year old female is on a raw organic, vegan diet. Her appearance includes yellow, sallow skin, bloodshot eyes, and hair loss. She appeared frail, thin, fragile, and she has shaky movements. She reports feeling tired all the time and not having a normal menses. She is taking a multivitamin, so she isn't sure why her health is declining.
raw organic foods contain nutrients, but if an adequate amount of calories & nutrients aren't ingested, they do not supply the recommended daily allowance
Nutrition (O1)
recommended daily allowance (RDA) is the amount of nutrients that must obtained through diet daily (O1.2)
Essential nutrients must be obtained through diet while non-essential nutrients can be made by the body (O1.1a)
Metabolism (O2)
macronutrients (carbs, lipids, proteins) provide fuel for cellular respiration to make ATP
interconversion of nutrient biomolecules involve converting nutrient types to another for energy or storage purposes
ie: if energy is not needed, glucose can be converted into acetyl CoA, synthesized into triglycerides, and stored as fat in adipose tissue
vitamin deficiencies
though she is consuming a multivitamin, the supplement isn't sufficient enough to reestablish her nutritional foundation
protein deficiency
break down of protein structures within the body (ie: muscle) to compensate for lack of adequate protein intake
raw, organic diet foods
certain vegetables that remain uncooked maintain rigid cell walls, making it harder for the body to digest and absorb nutrients
"raw water"
water that is unfiltered, unprocessed, and untreated