COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic bronchitis

blue bloaters

inflammatory change

muscularity dysfunction

increase # + secretion of goblet cells

excessive mucus production

decrees O2 + increase CO2 + V/Q mismatch


resp. acidosis

increase CO2 + decrease O2


make more RBC to compensate = increase heamiglobin

cynosis risk

pulmanory hypertension

pulmanory vessles constrict

shunt blood flow to healthier alveoli

alveller hypoxia

decrease O2 + increase CO2


pink puffers

inflammatory response

elastic break down + destruction of alveoli walls

loss of alveoli intergrity + recoil

air trapping

macrephagia stimulated



attract neutrofills

produce elastase

specifically targets = loss of elastic recoil

decrease perfusion = air trapping = increase end exptaritory volume = effort in breathing accessory muscles


15% over 45

4th leading cause of death

permanent + disabling + frequently progressive

85% caused by smoking

Hosp. discharge = Maori + Pacific 3-4x greater chance being admitted to hospital for COPD

Promote awareness

contact general practice earlier


slow progress nature

financial barriers

support for stop smoaking

symptoms of COPD

high impact on Maori + Pacific communities

Support not blame

engage with person

judgement + blame prevents theroputic relationship + engaging with health

be seen as welcoming and supporting



recommended method for diagnosing device that allows electronic analysis of results

offered to any person over 40

chronic cough sporadic / unproductive

chronic sputum production

Dyspepsia - persistent/progressive/ worse w excersize

Hx exsposer to tobacco + occupational smoke + dust + chemicals

family Hx of COPD

performed when clinically stable + without infection

don't use bronchodilator 6hrs b/f testing / long acting 12hrs before

measure values

before + 10-15 min after administrating short acting beta-2 agonist

b/f and 30 -45 min after admin of short acting anticholinergic


post - bronchodilator forced expiatory volume in one second to forced vital capacity ration

peak expiratory flow rate = not be used in diagnosis + management

assessing severity

severity assessment

level of breathlessness

spirometry results

exacerbation risk

presence of co morbidities


cessation of smoke

motivating smoking cessation


brief advice + cessation support

primary management focus

pharmacological treatment

pulmonary rehabilatation

exacerbation management

pulmonary rehabilitation

programs to break cycle of COPD

decreased physical activity b/c dyspnoea = further loss of fitness

rehab = reduce hospitalisation

reduce muscle wasting + weight loss

psycho social support = reduce anxiety + depression

6 week time frame

longer program = greater effectiveness

family involvement

weight loss