
Scare Tactics

Either/Or Choices

Slippery Slope

False Authority

Ad Hominem

Faulty Causality

Hasty Generalization

Straw Man


argumentative based decision based on what the majority decides.

when a sports team is winning you become a fan of their team.

using an alleged authority as evidence in your argument when the authority is not really an authority.

if someone said drinking was bad based on the bible.

in which the conclusion isn’t logically justified by sufficient evidence.

mean girls:”if you're from africa. why are you white?”

is type of fallacy that attacks character and not the claim.

Political debate is heated and debate is overlooked. Then they attack each others character.

taking advantage of someone by praying on their fear.
Exaggerating possible dangers well beyond the statistical likelihood.

boogie man coming to get you if you don’t go to bed. Politicians advertisers and public figures use them.

there is only two choices for an option but it’d under a false assumption.

you can’t be bi you can only like on or another.

the underlying assumption that if anything happened before another then the first one caused the second.

timothy started juuling last week,three more boys started juuling this week because of timothy.

scare tactics can lead into either or choices because when they say if you don't go to be the boogie man is going to get you.

exaggerating or just completely misreading someone's argument. Then make it to where they look better.

used in advertising “wheres the beef” wendy's commercial

portrays today's tiny misstep as tomorrow's slide into disaster

AllState Commercials.