The House of Commons: structure and members

Democratically elected chamber of 650 MPs

First Past the Post

Governing party

Sit on the right

100 ministerial positions


Shadow ministers


Pay and privilege

MPs - £75k

Independent Parliamentary Salaries Authority


Employing staff



Expenses Scandal 2009

Parliamentary Privilege

Legal immunity

Freedom of speech

Exclusive cognisance

Recall of MPs Act 2015

8 weeks

10% of voters

By - election

Key office holders


The speaker

Ensuring MPs attend divisions

Follow party instructions on votes

Three line whip

Strict instruction to vote

Enforcing discipline

Providing assurances

Making offers

Offering threats

Presides over debates

Selecting MPs to speak

Maintaining order

Elected by MPs in secret ballot

Gives up party affiliation

Michael Martin

Forced out of office for handling of expenses scandal