ArtBox Modular Marketing Strategy

Bootstrap (VR) design, cheaper solution compared to a prototype
Fairs of Tech, Arq, Construct, Design

Make a movie with the life in the past, as our grandparents had and how we can have with ArtBox, a small movie explaining the happiness of the past, that we are bringing back with a technological approach (spending time with family, agriculture, it means, revamping the good part of life). That strategy would mimic Antonioli campaign in Milan, a track that crowd must follow with small chapters of the movie, and in the end, the person arrives in our stand or container and receive a small gift and can be part of an online marketing campaign.

Virtual Reality Game as Black Mirror Bandersnatch

Talk to universities for speeches
Go to radios, channels, TV

Exhibit on fairs
Prepare a mix of strategy like Tesla, Orkut
The strategy consist on build desire on the target public and awake the necessity of millennial to live in a place that provides them all the functions that the didn't know they needed first (same as Ford and Apple did) With that there's a profiling for the right fit for our product, not the other way around, once the client "earn" the position to be in our awaiting list, he'll love once move to our apartment, and we'll have a loyal client (of course with good inbound and post sales services) Tesla did it with the first cars, clients waited periods as 1 year to receive their cars Orkut: you needed to have a prior invitation to enter the social media, therefore you needed to have good social circle, it awakes a pride and emotional bond

Here we can already start to build partnerships:
Key partners of the building: re utilization and capture of resources as energy, water and heat/cooling with featured and Powered by initiatives with other companies (win/win marketing situation)

Key partners utilization level:
Startups or once been startups as:
Other national partners

Local partners as markets, galleries, restaurants, fitness celebrities etc

Phases 2 and 3 the same possibilities as the blue stream

click to edit

Promote that as a future functionality of the app:

Social engagement through social media as:

Niche celebrities or promotion to have a winner in our propaganda with a celebrity:

The game is in first person, in virtual reality in the fair we are exposing, once you finish your "perfect day" game choice wise, we take a picture of the person in an special situation preset inside the house or the community and the person receives it by QR Code and have the option to share it with a # and tagging our account.

Phases 2 and 3 are quite similar to the blue stream.

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 1

Phase 1

Phase 1


3 to 6 months

3 to 6 months

6 months