Leina: I noticed that a lot of contacts and content has been created that I haven't been able to follow up on. I have just been observing. I would like to say that I am very happy that David has joined us. I don't want to get all groupie all over again. I said to myself, when you notice a very smart guy, do not say, "eeeeee!" So I will not do that, but I have noticed seniority in this approach, that David has a track record. I would say that this knowlege is very expensive, in terms of marketing terminology. So for me, I have, as a digital rights activist, become painfully aware of my limitations. Some discussions I just don't understand, and I don't have biological time to figure them out. So therefore, if there is a structure that says, we have a marketing plan, and there is a need to set up the project team, whatever that's produced I will be more than happy to follow the steps, to get into the project process mindset. Let's say Lauren has a vague idea, why we should be here in the first place. But it is an interesting curve to support her quest on what we should be doing together. Now she is talking about a hackathon, in 6 months which might be a total waste of time, but she is following her quest and learning. Now, my website. I wasn't feeling confident to talk to people who might be making money on the market. I am sorting out my CV, aligning myself with the market. I am getting painfully aware that my heart is beating for digital rights, I am not a geek, but digital rights belong to all of us. We need to have a voice. On a political scale, we are fighting for the internet. 30 years. Copyright reform. I was doing full time work on this for 2 years. Certain countries have a lot more weight in terms of policy. I decided that since I am good at law and policy, that would be my cause. But if Germany has more weight, why didn't I assume that Germans digital rights activists would be more appreciated, so when you see so much grants and everybody is German. Sometimes, what you think is important, and the underlying value, I see their decision on the grants. I am from Croatia, we have 4.5 million people, fine. Where am I going? I thought that things were straightforward, that I work for free for so much, that you are not effective, you are not making money, you are not making connections. I made my web, I don't know what I am doing with my profile, I am aligning with the Irish labor market, because I feel like I will be connected in a different way, so this is why I am coming. I am trying to align with democratic processes and mismash it with what I like to do and what I should be doing with what I should be doing for the web. I am aware of my vagueness, but if you have any inputs. Lauren told me that it's too much text. And she told me that...