Adult Colouring Book

Part 1: Exploring 2D Forms

Source 20 colouring books

Select 2 - discuss styles + limitations

Use pyramid to develop your concept

Part 2: Plan & Experiment

3 technical drawing styles

1 point perspective

2 point perspective


Discuss effectiveness of drawing style

Experiment with 2 drawing styles


Continuous Contour Drawing

Apply patterns, marks, hatching, cross hatching and stippling

Follow WHS procedures

Part 3: Communicating the concept

Produce 3 B&W drawings

Select a colour scheme

Upload drawings to Connect Discussion
board and obtain 3 pieces of feedback

In Adobe Illustrator create 5 new colour groups

Trial and test 5 typefaces for "Title" and "Illustrated by..."

Produce final hand drawn & digital front cover

Print 3 copies & apple 3 medias

Produce 6 digital pages to complement the front cover

Mount final hand drawn and digital Adult Colouring
book onto black card 25mm border

Technical Specifications

6 Colours

Size: 210mm x 210mm