Sport and society, lesson 8 onwards

Sociological theory

How can sport improve society and individuals within sport?

Boosts mental health

Brings people together

Gives discipline and structure

Improves nations health- less strain on NHS

Boosts confidence

Reduces crime

Sociology is the scientific study of society, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture of everyday life

Key terms and definitions

Gender socialisation-Learning of behaviours and attitudes historically considered for a given sex

Social processes- Ways in which individuals and groups interact, adjust, readjust and establish relationships and patterns, which are modified through social interactions**

Secondary socialisation-Socialisation that occurs during later years, teenage/adult

Social interactions-When individuals or a group influence behaviour of others

Primary socialisation-Socialisation during early years of childhood

Social issues- Problems that affect many people within a society e.g discrimination racism sexism

Socialisation- A lifelong process where members of society learn its norms and values In order to take their place in society

Social control-Ways in which people thoughts feelings appearance and behaviour are regulated in societies

Society- An organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest

Social change- A significant change in social behaviour and/or cultural values overtime, leading to long-term affects

Social inequality

There is unequal distributions of wealth

Can be different wages of men and women

Occurs when resources and opportunities aren't evenly spread

Results from lack of role models and media coverage

Social stratification

Those at top of system have greater access to resources

Sport can allow movement within the strata of sport e.g social mobility

Modern day uses wealth as a mean of stratification

Stratification influences sport- disposable income affects participation

Where society is divided into levels on basis of social characteristic e.g wealth or status

Social action theory

Also interacting with others can influence people to change society

Sports can be adapted to match needs of these individuals

Can influence individuals involvement in and choice of sport

Sport can be used to gain equality e.g women participating more

Theory that suggests individuals interact within society

Aim is to develop equality so that all have equal opportunities