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social class identities- (upper class sub culture & identities- Land…
social class identities-
upper class sub culture & identities- Land owning aristorcrats- 0.65% of uk pop own 68% of land most of this land is in the families for 100s of years.
entrepreneurs- upper class sometimes gained their status via owning a business eg- Richard branson rather than inheriting wealth.
the sources of the upper class identity- strong sence of id, difficult to move into it (social clousure) - high level of social cohesion achieved by ed experience,kinship and shared values.
education- ed in top private schools such as eton- socialise pupils in to high levels of social superiority.
family marrage & kinship- young members of upper class tent to socialise w/ other members of the upper class.00000as they attend the same schools etc and there fore may inter- marry and develop further connections.
the middle class and id-
the mc come from all dif backgrounds. as theres been a growth in white collar jobs in offices and other mc jobs eg- nhs- many come from wc back grounds . this class is open to outsiders un like upper class.
mc values- vary according to the groups of WC.- professionals such as doctors . Savage claims these subscribe to a intellectual identity gained from a successful education. they value a cultural capital and also value a altruism - often see them selves as serving a higher purpose.
routine white collar workers- (clerks and secutaries) pay has declined and suggested they have more in common with the wc - but surveys indicate they dont hold wc values eg- many arent in unions and they dont hold an "us and them" relationship to bosses.- rarely mix w/ wc and spend lesure time and £ in different ways.
self employed- Roberts argues, self emp small buisness owners have a distinct set of values. surveys suggest they believe people should be standing on their own two feet and not rely on welfare state have also faith in hard work & discipline - sucesse is down to effort not luck.
mc identity- Robberts argues that dif mc groups do share some values .- a mc id can said to be focussed on the home - mc value home ownership they generally believe in meritocracy. Robberts also argues that mc are characterised by a more diverse range of lessure activities than the wc ' they take more holidays, play more sport make more visits to theaters and country side and eat out more.'
working class subculture & identity- composed of manual workers in 1950 this accounted for 70% of the manual labour but has now shrunk to less than half
traditional wc- those engaged iin traditional manual work have a strong class identnity - this was domminant for most of the 20th cent.
reasons for strong id- 1- trad workers identify strongly with each other because the wrisks of the job, trade unions to improve conditions they took strike action if neccecery- = us and them. = strong political identity.
2)lived in close knot comunities like mining villages. families lived close together mutural support was offerd by families eg- childcare financial support.
urban under class subculture and identity- those who exist on the margins of society. Murray- new right soci- says this group consists of long term unemployed , single parents , drug addicts and criminals. suggesting the culture of underclass revolves around being work shy ,anti authority and immoral and welfare dependent. - children of this class are being socialized in to a culture of idleness and faultier and criminality
unemployment , poverty and blaming victim- many socis accuse Murray of blaming the victim - they arent to blame for soc disadvantage. - the powerful have adopted policies that create pov & un emp- this group dont work as theirs no jobs.