1) Blind Man - Avidya/Ignorance - After death, we are reborn without understanding of our situation. We do not see ahead just as the people in Samsara don't.
2) Potter Making Pots - Sankhara/Karmic Formations - We make karma. Due to our ignorance, we continue to make choices based on greed and hatred, building up future effects that maintains samsara. 3) Monkey - Namarupa/Consciousness/sentience - The monkey moves from tree to tree just as our mind moves between objects. In dependence on our karmic formations/choices, we build a habitual awareness moving from object to object. 4) Four people in the boat - Five Skandas - Boat = Body and passengers = sensations, perceptions, karmic formations and consciousness. In dependence on our karmic formations/consciousness, we seek out a new body with further sensations and perceptions. 5) House w/ 5 windows and 1 door - Salayatana/six senses - In dependence on the 5 skandas, the six senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell and mind) arise and interact with eachother. 6) Couple embarrassing - Phassa/sensation/contact - Having senses sets up the conditions for the sensations of new things. 7) Man w/ arrow in eye - Vedana/Feeling - Sensations set up the conditions for pleasant, painful or neutral feelings. 8) Woman offering man a drink - Tanha/Craving - Man craves drink and woman - Point of control and responsibility, where we respond to a pleasant feeling with craving or a painful one with hatred. 9) Woman picking fruit, reaching out to grasp the fruit and collect it - Upadana/Grasping - Once we have given way to craving, this is likely to lead to the physical action of taking or using the thing we crave. 10) Pregnant woman - Bhava/becoming - rebirth begins at fertilisation following the entry of the karmic formations. Grasping leads to rebirth as we continue the habit or relating to things we want. We grasp at a new rebirth after death. 11) Woman giving birth - Jati/Birth - Re-becoming within the mother's womb inevitably leads to birth into the world again. 12) Corpse - Jaramarana/Death and Old Age - Birth leads inevitably to the further suffering associated with death, and thus back to ignorance.