Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) (releasing- ACTRH)- LONG TERM STRESS- stimulates adrenal cortex to make mineralcoricoids (ex. aldosterone. increases sodium retention in distal tubule causing high blood pressure) and glucocordicoids (ex. cortisol. Increases blood sugar by mobilising protein, fat, and sugar stores). Caused by long term stress. Hypothalamus secretes ACTRH, anterior pituitary makes ACTH, adrenal cortex secretes mineralcorticoids and glucocortoids (liver and muscles to increase blood sugar), both inhibit hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. Hypersecretion- Cushing's Syndrome. Hyposecretion- Addison's Disease. SHORT TERM STRESS- adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine (mobilise energy stores) which is stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system. Hypothalamus sends nerve impulse to adrenal medulla, adrenal medulla makes epinephrine and norepinephrine, fight or flight, parasympathetic nervous system prevents nerve impulses to the adrenal cortex.