What is helping?

An effective helper does not interrupt with the role and function of a helpee while solving the problems.

The counsellor as a therapeutic person

The dimensions of therapy and the meanings that occur between therapist and helpee as they work together can heal the suffering helpee.

Personal characteristic of effective helper

Have an identity

Respect and appreciate themselves

Open to change

Make choices that are life oriented

Authentic, sincere and honest

Facilitative aspects of helping

Helping can provide support and relief

Benefits for the helper

Helper will feel needed and gain self worth

Increase positive self regards

feels better psychologically

Increase ability to solve own problem

Characteristic of helpher

Positive regard or acceptance of the other person




Clients can gain insight to understand themselves in new ways

Helping can promote proactive involvement in life

Client can learn skill needed (effective communication, learning to relax, studying more effectively, etc)

Allows a client to experience a healthy, non-damaging and intimate relationship with other people.

Assist individual in dealing with existential concern (who i am?, where am i going?)

Problematic aspects of helping

Sometime helping provide just enough relief

Helping can create dependency if client rely too much on their helper

Helper unduly impose personal or societal value on their clients.

Helper work outside their areas of competence (not having knowledge about that area)

Awareness of self and personal values

Helpers have to understand others' value and non-judgmental in helping others

Helpers need to be aware on their own personal values and belief