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Death and the Afterlife (Election and Predestination (Augustine (belived…
Death and the Afterlife
Jesus' Resurection
early Chrisitans belived they were on the threshold of a new era, expecting Jesus to soon return and bring the kingdom of God
St Paul argues that Jesus resuraction is the first sign that the fallen world is restored and humans can now see and know Godface to face, not only dimly or through a dark glass. We can now see what the future will be like
John the divine said that Jesus' sacrifical death washed away sin so the righteous many lie in a New Jerusalem and experince the joy of God's presence
Punishment and Justice
Old Testemant Jeremiah aska why the wicked prosper and the good suffer and Jesus says tha the wicked will be excluded form the future kingdom
The Rich man and Lazarus
They both diesd on the same day and Lazarus went to heaven and the Rich man to hell desperate for a drink because of the flames
Some suggest the rich man may have been a Sadducee, a priest from the Temple of Jerusalem that didnt believe in the afterlife
Four Problems
Delay of the Parousia
Jesus warned about making calcualtions of judgment day 'But about that day and house no-one knows' (M 24:36)
In Johns gosple judgment is personal and continual, those that reject Jesus condem themseles
Roman Catholic church teaches each soul will recieve eternal retribution, particualr and general
In revelation 20 idea that Christ will return to rule Earth for 1000 years followed by the last judgment
some millenialists hace actively encouraged eviromental/nuvclear disastar to hasten the comming of Gods kingdom
Since Augustine the accepted interpretation is that the ruel of the church is what will prepare for christs return as God's judgment on earth
Purgatory is the idea that those who died in sin may still seek forgiveness in the intermediate state between havene and hell
Dante-opportunity to pure themseles in an enviroment where they can no longer sin. Soul ascends terraces of the mountin to the summit of the beautific vision
- no specific purgatory in the NT but 'cleansing by fire' the idea that some sins can be forgiven in this state
belives that it is a continuation of the person making prossec, there are many interim stages and final unity with God
Traditioanlly people belive hell is eternal and universla punishment that illustrates God's love through justice
Origen belied Hell was a spiritual state inflcted by the anguish at being seperated fro God - a state that will pass away when the earth is redeemed
Dante's Divine Comedy
using aristotlian and christian views hell is depicted as having 9 circles, the most henious being fraud and trechery
2 examples of trechory=Judas Iscariot , Brutus and Cassius ( murdered ceasar)- those who deliberatly destabilised the God given order.
Catholic Church
teaches that hell, is eternal for those that have commited mortal sin ie hating ones neighbough.
it is a real place with the chief punishment of eteral seperation to God , resered for those who persistenly reject goodness
Empyrean, gods light, te source of knowledege and illumination at the end
Based on cosmology, world at the cnter , then the planets, then heaven
the most perfect life with the most holy trinity, is heaven corinth
supreme definitive happiness where God revelas himself and gives people the ability to conemplate him in a new glorious way