Imitation: "The onlooker may then observe the resemble of this act to some act of an adult, and conclude that it was acquired by imitation, while as a matter of fact it was acquired by attention, observation, selection, experimentation, and confirmation by results." pg. 160
"The presence of adult activities plays an enormous role in the intellectual growth of the child because they add to the natural stimuli of the world new stimuli which are more exactly adapted to the needs of a human being, which are richer, better organized, more complex in range, permitting more flexible adaptations, and calling out more novel reactions." pg. 161
Pre-Reading: Students using the Teacher's chair to pretend to read, or retell a familiar book.
Students Charlie and Violette use dramatic play area to workout what they know about the world around them. They imitate familiar places, people and get to take on roles often of familiar adults. Charlie is counting money and telling customers what they owe for her services. Violette is ordering take out food on the telephone.