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Shahid Siddiqui Education Inequality and Freedom (Chapter 1 Education…
Shahid Siddiqui
Education Inequality and Freedom
Chapter 1 Education and Politics
Ideology of Education
Educational activities can not take place in isolation
the educational activities are influenced, shaped and determined through a set of ideologies
It is important to recognize the relation of education and ideology
Ideology in the past had a negative connotation
in the current time ideology can simply be denoted as a set of beliefs
Eysenck and Wilson refers to this in three levels such as opinion level, habitual opinion level and attitude level
ideology constructs the stereotypes
the stereo types are legitimatized ans supported in certain institutions
the ideology backed by power becomes dominant
Schools and Stereotypes
schools play an important part in constructing and preputating of certain ideologies
that serves the interest of dominant societies
The use of education to per-mote certain ideologies per mote education and its two way relationship with ideology
Pakistani history proves ho education has been used to propagate certain ideologies
In the era of Ayub Khan the whole emphasis was on economic development
During Zia's time education was used to Islamism the society
In Pervaize Musharraf's Time education became the mans of permotion modernization
View of Knowledge
Education in reference to Pakistan
institutes view education as mainstream , static and predetermined
The ideology of knowledge encourages a certain pedagogy whose objective is to pass on existing knowledge
no space for innovation , creativity and reflection
students as recipients
teachers as mind-fillers
Friere's banking concept is seen similar to the concept being promoted
the student are subjected to cramming knowledge and reproducing it in exam papers
hence their is no space for reflection and critical thinking
the education system at hand not only promotes the power structure but also widens the gap between have and have not.
Need for Paradigm Shift
recently there has been a call for qualitative improvement in the education system
This will entail
Interactive callrooms
children as active participators and co constructors
change in assessment ideology
challenge the transmition mode
The main objective is to reduce the socio economical gaps
Reason for Education
Rhetoric of Quality Education
there has been a series of efforts are around measurable changes that are easy to demonstrate
this type of change only revolves around the quantitative aspects and numbers
in this there is less room for teachers, individual freedom, personal initiative out of the box thinking, reflective stance and creative space
Education and Mono culture
the goal of education is confined to processing robotic thinking, acting in a mechanical manner, demonstrating efficiency and productivity and taking approval from the powerful groups
Postman 1996 in his book The end of education moans/griefs the state of schools
The schools are unable to define theoir narrative
the schools are promoting the powerfull narrative
profit maximization is deriving the educational institutes
convenience flourishes through privatization and commodification of education
The Space of Creativity
the creativity is used in areas such as assessment creatively
the multiple type questions are used to asses the students
it is not because they are effective rather
they are easy to mark
they just require previously memorized answered
and help contemplate grades as the sole motif of the educators
This system does not use the students ability to reflect or think critically and so does not give the assessment of how proper the learning has been
Through this the students carry forward existing power structure and amplify perpetuate the socially constructed stereotype
Constructing a Reason for Education
how can a school be empowered to construct a reason for education
this requires
entering the circle of higher order
critical pedagogy
intellectual plurralism
this can not be quick fixed
rather is highly complex
the teacher training term can not be coined as done previously by the governments
it requires the empowerment of the holistic approach
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Education reforms, shapes and guides the society
the aims of education determine the curriculum and syllabus
the narratives of education are continuously transitioning on the basis of social, political, cultural and economic trends
our societies narrative of education is Neoliberial
A desire for financial gains
The slogan of quality is used to sell education
Corporatization of Education
Education as Industry
the educational industry has been taken over my the idea of it being a money producing industry hence has the attention of the investors
educational ideology has been conveniently made into a money making venture
the cooperate sector dominates the educational scene
Education and New Lexicon
schools considered corporate organizations
productivity and efficiency are two main ideas
teachers have become service providers
teachers input has been limited by the documentation being done at central offices
the schools have become mass production units
The Notion of Client
the education system has become a business model
in which
stubents are the customers
teachers are service provider
principals and head teachers have become managers
education has become the product
academic auditing is a new term being coined
the term states the quality assurance of the product
this is purely quantitative and quality is not taken into account
efficiency is looked by the measure of competencies
knowledge is broken down into units of measurable portions through assessment
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Education and free market
the Pakistani government has shown no regards for the educational crisis hence the public schools have been up for grabs for NGO's
The government has to realize if they are to strengthen the education system they are to empower encourage and strengthen the public sector education system
subjected to tremendous change
educational and societal roles should be mutual they should both assist each other equally
education needs to challenge the stereotype and taboos of the society and assist it
unfortunately the cooperation has taken over
economics has taken over the educational dynamics in the society
turner into a profitable venture
caught the eye of the private sector
they have a different approach towards education in terms of roles, objectives and dynamics
Education and Culture Industry
Neo Liberalism and Education
technology had an intimate relationship
industries found their way into the board of directors
capitalist classes constructed a business plan for education
the emergence of huge number of private sector educational systems
the purpose initially was to spread education not profit maximization
but this was commercialized in the last decade and became a race for profit
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Control and Conformity
due to a number of branches being made ready made lesson plans have been constructed for the purpose of consistency
these are enforces by the headquarters
they leaves minimal space for teachers creativity
the role of the teacher becomes insignificant
Teacher's and Role
the kind of mechanical role being brought forward only contributes as the transmitter
sadly the technology has made us believe that education means good job and good job means profitable job
this meaning constructed has been aided through technological communication
there was a time when school, family and society was believed to play an important role in the socialization process
now a days it is media that play the role of socializes
it takes less time and reaches more people and is very effective
Media an Socialization
media is offering diverse knowledge
humans have become mere consumers
in a free market individuals are deemed as important
the education at school is producing mono track minds
this freedom less system is seeping through the contemporary educational brands into the countries
Reclaiming Individual Freedom
the biggest challeneg faced by education
it demands a complete reconceptualization
saperation of education and business
State interfairance is required
the teacher exploitaion is to be monitered and checked
a linkage between education and market is required
humanities and social sciences are to be emphasised
need to revamp the education system
education is to be made more vibrant by the in cooperation of the element of critical thinking
educational systems need to reproduce individuals with bright minds, intellects and critical exploratory frame of mind in order to bring in the freedom
education is an intriguing phenomenon
the objectives and dynamics have changed over time
number of influences can be traced out of the history
recent influencing phenomenon effecting education is neo liberalism
this is an economic phenomenon
maximization of profit is the goal hence the end is more important then the process
the morals and values have lost their importance