Many people believe the word dialect refers only to the use of unusual vocabulary, but this is only one aspect of a dialect. This preoccupation with vocabulary is perhaps not surprising. Grammatical variation tends to be very subtle and many non-standard constructions are in fact national, rather than regional features of popular speech. Likewise, differences in pronunciation, although noticeable, rarely affect our ability to understand each other. So it is only when someone uses an unfamiliar word or expression that we assume they are speaking in dialect.
Howay man: 'Go away or Good luck' or Come on' or Hurry up' or Okay- proclamation of encouragement or dismissal, can be positive or negative depending on how it is exclaimed and the current situation. Canny: "Good' or 'Nice' or Pretty-one of the nicest Geordie compliments or expressions of approval. Why aye man: "Yes'- positive, excited or enthusiastic proclamation of agreement. To soften the enthusiasm replace 'man' with 'pet. May also be used to say goodbye. Haddaway man: 'No way' or 'Get away' or You're joking- proclamation of negativity or dismissal. Gannin yem: 'Going home.- may also be pronounced 'hyem' the h-sound from the back of the throat. Radgie: Noun used to describe a violent or aggressive person, or someone throwing a temper tantrum Calm doon al mek a cuppa: Calm down I'll make a cup of tea-statement that can be used any situation. Where's me scran, I'm clamming?: Where can I get something to eat/Where's dinner Divvin' be nebby: 'Don't be nosy'- statement used if a Geordie is, or else is being too overly inquisitive and they want them out of their business. .Giz a deek: 'Let me see' or 'Can I have a quick peek'-proclamation
Radgle: Noun used to describe a vioient or aggressive person, or someone throwing a Calm doon al mek a cuppa: Calm down I'l make a cup of tea'- statement that can be Where's me scran, I'm clamming?: Where can I get something to eat/Where's dinner Divvin' be nebby: Don't be nosy' -statement used if a Geordie is, or feels someone - Giz a deek: 'Let me see or 'Can I have a quick peek'- proclamation used to enable temper tantrum used to diffuse any situation I'm starving/hungry? else is being too overly inquisitive and they want them out of their business. Geordies to get a better view of something. May also be used to fill a gap in a conversation when thinking about what you're going to say next. ncredibly mischievous' or pushing one's luck . A right bobby dazzler: Phrase used to describe someone who thinks the world of themselves; could be because of their clothes, good looks or class status .In a fettle" or "Out of Fettle: In a foul mood or Feeling ilOut of sorts - the phrase can also be used in different ways, such as to fettle someone which means to sort them out Snout Tab: 'A cigarette . Dee as yer telt!: Do as you're told . Gannin the toon the neet ta git mortal: T'm going into town tonight to drink excessive amounts of alcohol