Lauren: Jonny, Charles, and I had a meeting about the proposed June hackathon at NYU's ITP program at Tisch. We came up with the idea to center the hackathon around a movie plotline, so that different groups could brainstorm different elements of the plot, the choreography, costumes, coordination, knowledge management, and building tech. This would not, I am sure, be the world's first open source movie, but we hope that it will be able to introduce the concept of media versioning more broadly.
skreutzer: So there might be more or less "open sourcy" aspects to it (and indeed highly desirable), it also sounds like it has collaborative/p2p/user-generated/crowdsourced/remix components as well. Especially the remix culture notion (despite the "remix" name not very fitting in this context) via Lessig and Creative Commons (not all of them are "Open Source" btw) comes to mind. What do you mean by "media versioning"?