Biology lessons

Fishes (Layan Alzamil)

Birds (Maha Alhamlan)

Feeding and digestion

Reptiles (Shoug Almoshaigh)

Amphibians (Reema Alajlan)

Feeding and Digestion

frog larvae are herbivores, whereas salamander larvae are carnivores

as adults, they become predators and feed on a variety of invertebrates and small vertebrates

some amphibians use just their jaws to catch prey. Others, can flick out their long, sticky tongues with great speed and accuracy to catch flying prey.

Mouth> esophagus>stomach, where digestion begins. Food>small intestine>receives enzymes from the pancreas to digest food. At the end of the intestine is a chamber called the cloaca.


-They filter wastes through kidneys

-excrete ammonia (if they live under water)

-excrete urea (if they live on land)

-urea is stored in the urinary bladder until it i eliminated

Respiration and Circulation

As larvae, exchange gases through their skin and gills

As adults, they breathe through lungs

Frogs can breathe through their skin either in or out of water.

double loop

three-chambered hearts.

-evolution of fishes enabled them to become predators

Brain and Senses

nervous systems well-developed

They use sight to locate and capture prey

The nictitating membrane is a transparent eyelid that can move across the eye to protect it underwater and keep it from drying out on land.

tympani membrane is an eardrum for hearing

they sense temperature

they are ectotherms

-swallow their food through tube called the esophagus > stomach then passes through the intestine.

-ancient fishes are filter feeders

Reproduction and Development

Diversity of fishes (Maha alhamlan)


external fertilization

-closed circulatory

-one way loop

-from the heart the blood goes to the gills then through the body delivering oxygenated blood to tissue.

Cartilaginous: have a skeleton made above cartilage streamed-line shape with serval rows of sharp teeth.
Examples of jawless cartilaginous fishes

Bony : have a bony skeleton

-2 chambers (1 Atrium, 1 ventricle)


-they have kidneys

-the main functional unit of the kidney is the nephron

-some cellular wastes are excreted by the gills.

Hagfishes: produce slime to protect itself from predators, they have chemical senses to get food, they feed on dead bodies

They are both eel-shaped and have a notochord and gills but they lack scales ,paired fins, bony skeleton

Lamprey: parasites that have sucker-like mouth and tooth-like structure to feed on blood and body fluids

Nervous system

-the nervous system consist of a spinal cord and brain.

-they have lateral line system to detect vibration in water.


-External fertilization

-They release their gametes near each other to reproduce, this process is spawning.

-many eggs are prey

Ray-finned: operculum covering the gills ,have a swim bladder example salmon and trout

Lobe-finned: have muscular lobes and joints, uses their lungs when there is a drought


Endotherms, feathers, and lightweight bones, they dont have bladder, they breath through lungs, 4-chambered heart

-have mucus to reduce friction

-fins enable them to steer and maneuver in a variety of ways

-they have swim bladder

-They produce many eggs to ensure that some survive

-stream line shape


Feeding and digestion


adapted to life on land.

kidneys filter the blood to remove waste products.


lungs for breathe
they contract muscles


have 2 separated atria and one ventricle that is partially separated by septum

crocodiles have four chambered hearts

nervous system

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vision and muscles are more complex

vision is most sensitive

some tympanic membranes are in reptiles, some have the ability to detect vibration through jaw they regulates their body temperature binaurally


move with limbs sprawled to their sideband push against the ground

skeletons are stronger with a heavier bone structure


internal fertilization

• contour feathers: Feathers that cover the body, wings, and tail of a bird used for flying

• Down feathers: are soft feathers located beneath the contour feathers. Used for insulation

• The preen gland secretes oil that adds a waterproof coating to the feathers.

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The bones of the skull and jaws of snakes are joined loosely so that they can spread apart when taking in large food materials

some tongues are sticky to catch prey

have tongues that help them swallow

some herbivore

most carnivore

Lightweight bones: Large, powerful flight muscles called keel attach to the sternum.

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Feeding and digestion

Many birds have a crop at the base of the esophagus that stores food.
The gizzard contains small stones that crush food the birds have swallowed.