Definition: Teachers use this type of assessment is used by teachers in order to evaluate how their students perform a task. This type of assessment is not a test or set of questions that the students are required to complete or answer.
Definition: Formative assessments are used to monitor student learning in order to provide feedback that teachers can utilize to adjust instruction with the goal of maximizing student learning. These assessments are also not high stakes, so students are not being formally evaluated.
Defintion:Summative assessments are used by teachers to evaluate student learning. These assessments are typically used at the end of a unit or course. These assessment are high stakes and are often worth a high point value in regards to grading.
Definition: DIagnostic assessments are used by teachers prior to beginning a unit or course. This type of assessment helps teachers gauge their students' weaknesses and strengths, as well as any misconceptions they may hold about the content they will be learning. This information is used by the teacher to design and create lessons that are tailored to the students' needs.
Defintion: This type of assessment is used to determine where students stand in their learning and assess how well they will perform on assessments that occur in the future.
HOT Questions
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Could you come up with another name for a rabbit?
What is an example of a food does this animal eats?
Why do rabbits able to run fast?
Are their predators able to easily catch them?
What does a rabbit's diet teach us? Why is it important that we know what rabbits eat?
Why would it be bad if rabbits didn't run fast?
TAKS Test: Students are assessed on their learning and measured against predetermined standards.
STAAR Test: Students are assessed on their learning and measured against predetermined standards.
Learning Portfolio: Students put together a portfolio of their learning over the course of an instructional unit.
Book Report: Students complete a report of their learning from a book they were assigned to read.
Survey: Students take a quick survey that assess what they already know, don't know, and misconceptions that they have over an instructional unit that they will be covering in class.
Quick Write: Students jot down everything they know in a quick write about the material they will be covering in class.
Exit Ticket: Students take a quick 2 question exit ticket that is designed to evaluate their learning from the lesson that was presented that day. The teacher uses the results to adjust instruction for the following day.
Pop-Quiz: Students are "randomly" quizzed over the content they have been learning in class. The teacher uses the results in order to adjust instruction based on their responses.
End-of-Year Assessment: Students are evaluated over the learning that took place over the entire instructional year.
Final Essay: Students compose a final essay over their learning of a particular instructional unit.