Several Academic Apartments: "classical and modern languages from Latin and Greek to Spanish, Russian, and Chinese - mathematics, science and technology, religion, history, anthropology, economics, and psychology, to name a few.” (Gaztambide-Fernández 2009, p 1101)
Other courses offered could be cultural anthropology, macroeconomics, Shakespeare, Faulkner, Hemingway, and Nabokov
“The wide range of courses offered at elite boarding schools to some extent resolves the tensions between discipline-centered and student-centered approaches to subject matter that were at the heart of curriculum debates in the United States throughout the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s (Franklin & Johnson, 2008; J. D. Marshall, Sears, Schubert, Allen, & Roberts, 2006).” (Gaztambide-Fernández 2009, p 1102)