In love (Orsino – Uses Orsino's excess in love to portray how extremes of romantic love can lead to unpredictability due to its dependance on imagination, as exemplified by Orsino, which enables it to be so richly fascinating also makes it capable of deteriorating into something absurd and irrational.
Hyperbolic language to express overly romanticised and excessive view of love. love is presented as a hungry appetite, all consuming physical desires ‘liver, heart and brain’.
However also highlights the paradoxical ideas, showing how "full of shapes" it truly is.
It is bad to be excessive.
His ostentatious/flamboyant musings, it is apparent that Orsino's love is hollow. He is a romantic dreamer, for whom the idea of being in love is most important. He is not in love with Olivia, but with the idea of love.
" i am slain by a fair, cruel maid"
should make his "doublet of changeable taffeta, for thy mind is a very opal".
doublet - an inner garment, a double to the outer one, but is also used for a coat generally
changeable taffeta - glossy silk in which the colours vary to appearance according to the light in which the silk is seen, in this respect it resembles the opal, to which the Clown compares the Duke's mind.
Even the wise clown points out to us how this excess is making him very unpredictable; he changes the colours of his mood/mind from one moment to the next as the whim of sentiment leads him.