
HOT Questions




What about this concept is confusing? What about this are you confident in?

What is our objective and how does this help us fulfill it?

Does this look similar to anything that we have seen before?

How do you think we might start by solving this?

What is an example of a question that I might ask on the test over this material?

How might this be present in the real world?






Definition: Formative Assessments are for the purpose of monitoring student learning, it is a tool to be used for adjusting lessons to improve student learning. These are low stakes assessments, they either have little or no point value at all.

Definition: This type of assessment is used to find out where students are in their learning process and find out if they are on track or not. They are usually administered every so often during the school year.

Definition: The goal of a summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of a unit. These are high stakes assessments, so they have a high weighted value and high points.

Definition: This is an alternative form of testing, something other than the typical exam-on-paper type assessment. This can be used for a student that might understand the material, but when presented with it on an assessment, goes blank. This creates an opportunity for them to succeed in a way that they would not be able to normally.

Definition: This type of assessment is used to be able to find out the difficulties that students have to adjust student learning to suit needs. A type of pre assessment that gives the ability to get an insight into things that they might not have had previously.

Bellringers: Over material that was covered previously, but revisits them to see student understanding, different every day.

District Assessments: These are administered by the district to see if the students are learning what they should be and to keep teachers accountable for their teaching.

Final exam: to see the understanding of the entire semester or year of understanding. Usually covers a wide variety of material to see understanding.

Math Problems: Giving a student the opportunity to take as assessment over the same material, but in a different setting where they can explain the answers and exaplin the steps, but without the stressful paper flipping and people moving around type assessment.

KWL Chart: This chart is where the students can interact with it, writing what they already know, so that information can be briefly reviewed. What they want to now, so that the lessons can be more tailored to the interests of the students. Finally, the Learned section is to visibly be able to see what we are learning and crossing things off our list. original-595724-1

Cornell Notes Questions: creating questions that would possibly be on the exam, this will check to see student understanding by their ability to create questions.

STAAR: States standardized test given to see how students are doing in their mastering of a subject.

Final Project: This would be used to see the understanding in a more depth over all presentation. This would have time and research put into it, so it would show a students overall understanding.

Writing Sentences: For math, giving the ability for students to put their thoughts into words on paper might even be beneficial for some.

Pre test: Giving a pretest as an exit ticket or something, so that you can have an idea for what the students might already be strong in, something that they might be able to logic out and then building off of that.
