The voices went silent and another portal appeared again, he went in to the portal and found the same area. What he find is a stranger with a cloak wearing a hood and mask shaped like a cross. The Stranger is only there to let him choose his role. Once there in a different area, it's like a choosing platform, after he step on the platform,the weapons will appear as guides, the weapons appearing of sword, shield, axe, spear, dagger, pistol, punching gloves, wrench, wand, staff etc. And weapons float around him, in a normal way it only takes one weapon, but for him 4 weapons chose him from the rest. The stranger said "you have a strong soul and the sword, dagger, punching gloves, and a pistol chosen you" he was shocked that 5 weapons chose him floating around him. "you are special... The soul you have, chose you for a reason.... I thought there gone forever" the Stanger replied. He is confused on what his saying but matters not, the stranger said "you must change your name, not your real one... The power you have guide you to your journey and this conversation never existed, for now you must go forth from lowest to the highest point of journal" he nodded to the Stranger and goes to a another portal