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Unit 2 Chapter 40 & 41 (Chapter 41 (terms (cecum
(plural, ceca) The…
Unit 2 Chapter 40 & 41
Chapter 40
bioenergetics- 1- overall flow and transformation of energy in an organism
2- study of how energy flows through organisms
circadian rhythm- physiological cycle of about 24 hours that persist even in the absence of external cues
basal metabolic rate (BMR)- metabolic rate of resting, fasting, and nonstresseded endotherm at a comfortable temperature
conformer- an animal for which an internal condition conforms to changes in an environmental variable
countercurrent exchange- exchange of a substance or heat between two fluids flowing in opposite directions
ectothermic- Referring to organisms for which external sources provide most of the heat for temperature regulation.
endocrine system- In animals, the internal system of communication involving hormones
hibernation- A long-term physiological state in which metabolism decreases, the heart and respiratory system slow down, and body temperature is maintained at a lower level than normal.
hormone- one of many type of secreted chemicals that are formed in specialized cells and travel in body fluid
hypothalamus- ventral part of the vertebrate forebrain; functions in maintaining homeostasis, especially in coordinating the endocrine and nervous systems; secretes hormones of the posterior pituitary and releasing factors that regulate the anterior pituitary
integumentary system- The outer covering of a mammal’s body, including skin, hair, and nails, claws, or hooves.
negative feedback- A form of regulation in which accumulation of an end product of a process slows the process
nervous system- In animals, the fast-acting internal system of communication involving sensory receptors, networks of nerve cells, and connections to muscles and glands that respond to nerve signals; functions in concert with the endocrine system to effect internal regulation and maintain homeostasis
positive feedback- A form of regulation in which an end product of a process speeds up that process; in physiology, a control mechanism in which a change in a variable triggers a response that reinforces or amplifies the change.
regulator- an animal for which mechanisms of homeostasis moderate internal changes in a particular variable in the face of external fluctuation of that variable.
Chapter 41
(plural, ceca) The blind pouch forming one branch of the large intestine.
A lipid transport globule composed of fats mixed with cholesterol and coated with proteins.
colon (kō′-len)
The largest section of the vertebrate large intestine; functions in water absorption and formation of feces
A mixture of substances that is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder; enables formation of fat droplets in water as an aid in the digestion and absorption of fats.
The second stage of food processing in animals: the breaking down of food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb
A small, finger-like extension of the vertebrate cecum; contains a mass of white blood cells that contribute to immunity.
duodenum (dū′-uh-dēn′-um)
The first section of the small intestine, where chyme from the stomach mixes with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder as well as from gland cells of the intestinal wall.
An enzyme that hydrolyzes starch (a glucose polymer from plants) and glycogen (a glucose polymer from animals) into smaller polysaccharides and the disaccharide maltose.
The fourth and final stage of food processing in animals: the passing of undigested material out of the body
alimentary canal
A complete digestive tract, consisting of a tube running between a mouth and an anus.
esophagus (eh-sof′-uh-gus)
A muscular tube that conducts food, by peristalsis, from the pharynx to the stomach
The third stage of food processing in animals: the uptake of small nutrient molecules by an organism’s body
essential amino acid
An amino acid that an animal cannot synthesize itself and must be obtained from food in prefabricated form
essential nutrient
A substance that an organism cannot synthesize from any other material and therefore must absorb in preassembled form
gastrovascular cavity
A central cavity with a single opening in the body of certain animals, including cnidarians and flatworms, that functions in both the digestion and distribution of nutrients
glucagon (glū′-kuh-gon)
A hormone secreted by the pancreas that raises blood glucose levels. It promotes glycogen breakdown and release of glucose by the liver
hepatic portal vein
A large vessel that conveys nutrient-laden blood from the small intestine to the liver, which regulates the blood’s nutrient content
insulin (in′-suh-lin)
A hormone secreted by pancreatic beta cells that lowers blood glucose levels. It promotes the uptake of glucose by most body cells and the synthesis and storage of glycogen in the liver and also stimulates protein and fat synthesis
lacteal (lak′-tē-ul)
A tiny lymph vessel extending into the core of an intestinal villus and serving as the destination for absorbed chylomicrons
large intestine
The portion of the vertebrate alimentary canal between the small intestine and the anus; functions mainly in water absorption and the formation of feces
A large internal organ in vertebrates that performs diverse functions, such as producing bile, maintaining blood glucose level, and detoxifying poisonous chemicals in the blood.
The collection of microorganisms living in or on an organism’s body, along with their genetic material.
(plural, microvilli) One of many fine, finger-like projections of the epithelial cells in the lumen of the small intestine that increase its surface area
In nutrition, a simple nutrient that is inorganic and therefore cannot be synthesized in the body
A viscous and slippery mixture of glycoproteins, cells, salts, and water that moistens and protects the membranes lining body cavities that open to the exterior
pancreas (pan′-krē-us)
A gland with exocrine and endocrine tissues. The exocrine portion functions in digestion, secreting enzymes and an alkaline solution into the small intestine via a duct; the ductless endocrine portion functions in homeostasis, secreting the hormones insulin and glucagon into the blood
The inactive form of pepsin secreted by chief cells located in gastric pits of the stomach
The terminal portion of the large intestine, where the feces are stored prior to elimination
salivary gland
A gland associated with the oral cavity that secretes substances that lubricate food and begin the process of chemical digestion
small intestine
The longest section of the alimentary canal, so named because of its small diameter compared with that of the large intestine; the principal site of the enzymatic hydrolysis of food macromolecules and the absorption of nutrients
sphincter (sfink′-ter)
A ringlike band of muscle fibers that controls the size of an opening in the body, such as the passage between the esophagus and the stomach
An organ of the digestive system that stores food and performs preliminary steps of digestion
An organic molecule required in the diet in very small amounts. Many vitamins serve as coenzymes or parts of coenzymes