Choice 1. Ask Question: Mang Tanos exclaims, “What the-?! THIS is the man you've been seeing? No wonder you've gone way too soft! So who are you anyway?” Peter Quill replied, “I'm Peter Quill, Sir, also known as Starlord and Gamora's new daddy.” or “Hmm.. Well then, young man, what are your talents?” Mang Tanos questioned.
Choice 1.1. “What the-?! THIS is the man you've been seeing? No wonder you've gone way too soft! So who are you anyway?” Peter Quill replied, “I'm Peter Quill, Sir, also known as Starlord and Gamora's new daddy.”: Mang Tanos blushes, “you can be my daddy too!” or Mang Tanos gets angry and roared, “SHE CAN ONLY HAVE ONE DADDY!!
Choice 1.1.2. Mang Tanos gets angry and roared, “SHE CAN ONLY HAVE ONE DADDY!!” : Mang Tanos closes his eyes and.. Goes to Choice 2.
Choice 1.1.1. Mang Tanos blushes, “you can be my daddy too!”: Peter is dumbfounded and blushing, he quietly says, “I… Sir, I-I don’t know what to say..” Goes to Choice 1.2
Choice 1.2. “Hmm... Well then, young man, what are your talents?” Mang Tanos questioned. : Peter Quill then proceeds to play his music and dances Fortnite in front of Mang Tanos and Gamora. Mang Tanos is surprised and impressed of Peter or Mang Tanos looks at Quill, comes to a realization and thinking…
Choice 1.2.1. Mang Tanos is surprised and impressed of Peter: Mang Tanos says while blushing, “Wow... Peter, I really like your dancing.” Peter is astonished and claimed, “Really? Do you really like it? Gamora didn’t like it when danced.” He sniffed. Mang Tanos glances at Gamora and he snapped his fingers at his daughter or Gamora stared shockingly at his boyfriend and father, she leaves them angrily.
Choice Mang Tanos glances at Gamora and he snapped his fingers at his daughter: Gamora dies and Mang Tanos stares at Peter Quill, makes his way to him and starts to flirt with Quill. Peter smiles and flirts back. Continue to Ending 1.
Choice Gamora stared shockingly at his boyfriend and father, she leaves them angrily. : Continue to Ending 1.
Choice 1.2.2. Mang Tanos looks at Quill, comes to a realization and thinking… : “This guy is just messing with me, he is not good for my daughter!” Continue to Ending 2.