Tattva Bodha text
QUALIFICATIONS (Sadhana Chatushtayam) Adhikari
Analysis of the individual (Vyashti - Micro)
Analysis of the total (Samashti - macro)
Oneness of the individual and the total (Vyashti-Samashti swaroopa aikyam)
Knowledge of this essential identity and benefits (V-S swaroopa aikya gnyanam and phalam)
Discrimination (Viveka)
Dispassion (Vairagya)
Desire (Mumukshutvam)
Discipline (Shama-Adi Shatka Sampatti)
Discrimination between fake and real goals (Preyas and Shreyas). Give them due importance and not undue importance.
Reducing all fake goals (money, position, possession, family) into simple means only to attain the real goal
Desire is burning urge for the accomplishment of the real goal. Reorienting our life, association, activities to nourish the desire for the real goal.
Attunement of all our organs of S and A for the realization, accomplishment of the real goal. Making them spiritual knowledge-friendly.
Material part of individual
Spiritual part of individual
Body division (Gross, Subtle, causal). Based on fineness of the matter. Texture of the matter differs.
Function division (anatomical part, physiological part, psychological part, rational/cognitive/intellectual, unconscious informant aspect)
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Anubandha Chatushtaya
Adhikari (Qualifications)
Vishaya (Topic)
Prayojana (Reason)
Sambandha (Subject-Reason Relation)