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Evaluation of Early Language (Tests Unknown (Rosetti (birth-3/CR),…
Evaluation of
Early Language
ASHA definitions
impairment in comprehension and/or use of spoken, written or symbol system.
Form, content and/or use
: typical course of development; protracted dev. of language. Can catch up. 50-75% outgrow delay by age three
-limited phonetic inventory (within babbling/ meaningful speech)
-limited nonverbal communication (9 mo)
-delayed onset of first words (12-24 mo)
-total # of words produced limited (15-18 mo)
-delayed onset of two word combinations (18-24 mo)
-limited or no eye contact :eye:
-sudden regression (cognitive, social or linguistic)
-limited comprehension of simple vocab/directives
Parameters of assessment
1). Identify if there's a delay or impairment present.
2). If so, identify areas that require intervention
3). Take family concerns & peer interactions into consideration
4). Look at standardized tests (norm & criterion referenced, informal assessments).
Rosetti (birth-3/CR)
Receptive- Expressive Emergent Language Test-3 (birth-3/CR)
Preschool Language Scales-5
Clinical Evaluation of Language
Fundamentals-Preschool-2 (3-6)
Expressive One-Word Picture
Vocabulary Test (2-18)
Receptive One-Word Picture
Vocabulary Test 2 (11-12)
Preschool Language Assessment
Instrument-2 (3-6)
Test for Auditory Comprehension
of Language-3 (3-9.11)
Boehm-3 (3-5.11)
Test of Early Language
Development 3 (2.7-11)
(Play Skills)
Westby's play skills
-cognitive skills & lang abilities
Stage I/12-26 mo/1.0-2.0 MLU
Stage II/27-30 mo/2.0-2.5 MLU
Stage III/31-34 mo/2.5-3.0 MLU
Stage IV/41-46 mo/3.75-4.5 MLU
14 Grammatical Morphemes
1).Present Progressive, 2+3).Prepositions 4).Plural-s
5).Irregular past tense
6). Possessive-s 7).Uncontractible copula-is
8). Articles 9). Regular past tense-ed
10). 3rd person present tense -s
11). 3rd person present tense 12). Uncontracible
Auxiliary 13). Contractible Copula-'s
14). Contractible Auxiliary-'s
Semantic Relations/Two word Utterances
Recurrent + X (more cup)
Action + object (cook pizza)
Agent + Action (car crash)
X + Locamotive (look here)
X + Dative (give mommy)
Negative + X (no juice)
Possessor + Possession (daddy shoe)
Attribute + Entity (big ball)
Receptive Language Skills
(Informal Assessment)
-Responds to name
-Single word comprehension (+/- cues)
-Objective identification
-Body parts :nose::skin-tone-2:
-Object Function
-Comprehension of 1,2 & 3 step demands
-Spatial (in,on)/Temporal (when, before)/Conditional (if, then)
-Simple & complex sentences
Pragmatic Skills
-Eye contact
-Turn taking
-Joint attention
-Initiation of play
-Use of gestures
Shared book reading
-Bright interesting pictures
-Language processing.
-1-2 sentences per page
-Ask questions as you read
Caregiver/Child interactions
(Questions to consider)
1). How do they interact?
2). How does child communicate with caregiver?
3). How does caregiver respond?
4). How do they play? :person_with_ball::skin-tone-4:
5). If child does not respond, what does caregiver do? Do they adjust their communication style to be more child friendly?