The Call of the Wild


Buck- Buck is a dog from California who is kidnapped and put into work as a sled dog in Canada. He adapts quickly and does what he needs to to survive.

Manuel- Manuel is a very dishonest and bad person. He gambles, and also works for Judge Miller as a gardener. Manuel kidnaps Buck and sells him to pay off his gambling debts.

Dave- Dave is a dog who pulls the sled on a mail route through Canada. Dave is a lazy dog and never does more than he is required to do.

Perrault- Perrault is a Canadian courier who employs Buck as a sled dog. Perrualt is very experienced and does his job well, along with Francios.

Spitz- Spitz is a very territorial and fierce dog that ends up being killed in a fight with Buck.

Figurative Language



Lion like in it's ferocity

Fight like hell




The Call of the wild

Sun kissed

On it's last leg

"Dat spitz fight like hell"

The fluorescent light was the sun during our test.

Every cell is tired

Every muscle and every fiber

Dead Tired

Dragging the whole team after him








When buck wanted to be leader instead of Sol-Leks on pages 25-26

When Buck fought Spitz on page 23-24

Buck is loyal to his team, Perrault, and Francois, and especially to John Thorton.

Buck and all of the other sled dogs have to persevere with their assignments as sled dogs, in chapters 3,4,5, and some of 6.



Rising Action

Buck is enjoying his life at Judge Miller's place.

Buck is kidnapped and put to work as a sled dog


Arriving at John Thorton's camp, John Thorton saves buck from being potentially killed.

John Thorton- Thorton is the man that saves Buck's life by protecting him from a whipping and cuts Buck loose from the traces.

Buck is respected by his fellow sled dogs when he becomes leader, on page 62.

Falling Action


John Thorton dies, and Buck kills some of the natives out of rage. He then leaves and becomes the leader of a pack of wolves.

Buck lives with Thorton but becomes tempted to go into the wild and takes longer and longer trips into the forest.

Dave died from a gunshot wound

Spitz gets killed by buck.

Buck lives with Thorton for a while until Thorton is killed by natives. Buck then decides to live with a wolf pack.

John Thorton is buck's "master" for a while until his camp is attaked by natives and he is killed.

We never hear from Manuel again.

Perrault and Francois eventually give the dog team up, and so we never hear from him again.