Ch.9.2 energy transfer in the atmosphere

Radiation traveling though space

Convection in air

Conduction of air

Heating from below

Air poor heat conducter

Conduction only warms layer of earth

Conduction:process that heats air close to earth surface

Expanding air

Rising and sinking air

Air circulation patterns

When air is stable

Mean moving faster and becoming father apart

When air expands density doesn’t

Tempurture of air increase kinectic energy of molecules increase

When air is hot it rises while cold is also helping to move up

When temperature is equal to outside it stops

Air is close it warm up like hot air balloon

When cold air moves closer to heater warm up

The thing with a heater and cold air is convection

Warm air near a heater on floor rises as density decrease

It is good for air to go as far as way as possible if it was pollutant

An inversion is where air is to dense

When warm air sits on cold air it means air rising

Absorbing different wavelengths

Greenhouse gases

Heating with sunlight

Energy in the troposphere

Maintaining radiation balance

Energy from the sun is distributed though the troposphere

Radiation from the sum heats earths surface unevenly put more energy consentrated and equaltorial region then polar

Concentrated sunlight can be used as source of heat

As a magnify can heat by consentrate on one spot

While the shaded is vibrating it and making it hotter

Ultra violet is harmful to animals and plants

The ozone layer is the layer that absorbs the most ultra violet

Only 7 percent of suns radiation consisting of ultra violet radiation

The amount of solar radiation reaching earth surface is equal to the amount of outgoing radiation form earth surface

Solar radiation that reaches earth surface is absorbed by land,trees,asphalt,sand ,soil and ocean

Gases that that strongly absorbs some of earths outgoing radiation is greenhouse gases

Some of years have presenting that every year earth temp is getting hotter this is global warming

Earth outgoing radiation is greenhouse gases

Etmitting radiation

Radiation etmitted from the sun is mostly in visible range and earth is infrared

Your own body edmitts infrared radiation known as heat