Journal 10
Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008)
The Basic Education Core Curriculum is aimed at enhancing capacity of all learners, who constitute the major force of the country, so as to attain a balanced development in all respects - physical strength, knowledge and morality. They will fully realize their commitment and responsibilities as Thai citizens and members of the world community. Adhering to a democratic form of government under a constitutional monarchy, they will be endowed with basic knowledge and essential skills and favourable attitude towards further education, livelihood and lifelong learning. The learner-centred approach is therefore strongly advocated, based on the conviction that all are capable of learning and developing themselves to their highest potentiality.
- The ultimate aim is attainment of national unity; learning standards and goals are therefore set with a view to enabling the children and youths to acquire knowledge, skills, attitude and morality to serve as a foundation for Thai-ness and universal values.
- The curriculum facilitates education for all, who have equal access to education of high quality.
- The curriculum facilitates decentralization of authority by allowing society to participate in educational provision, which suits prevailing situations and serves local needs.
- Structure of the curriculum enjoys flexibility regarding learning contents, time allotment and learning management.
- The learner - centred approach is strongly advocated.
- The curriculum is intended for education of all types - formal, non-formal and informal, covering all target groups and facilitating transfer of learning outcomes and experiences.
- Morality, ethics, desired values, self-esteem, self-discipline, observance of Buddhist teachings or those of one’s faith, and applying principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.
- Knowledge and skills for communication, thinking,
problem-solving, technological know-how, and life skills.
- Patriotism, awareness of responsibilities and commitment as Thai citizens and members of the world community, and adherence to a democratic way of life and form of government under a constitutional monarchy.
- Awareness of the need to preserve all aspects of Thai culture and Thai wisdom, protection and conservation of the environment, and public-mindedness with dedication to public service for peaceful and harmonious coexistence.
- Good physical and mental health, hygiene, and preference for physical exercise.
Learners’ Key Competencies
1.Communication Capacity
2.Thinking Capacity
3.Problem-Solving Capacity
4.Capacity for Applying Life Skills
5.Capacity for Technological Application
Desired Characteristics
- Love of nation, religion and the monarchy
- Honesty and integrity
- Self-discipline
- Avidity for learning
- Applying principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life
- Dedication and commitment to work
- Cherishing Thai nationalism
- Public-mindedness
Learning Standards
- Thai Language
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies, Religion and Culture
- Health and Physical Education
- Art
- Occupations and Technology
- Foreign Languages
- Grade-Level Indicators
- Interval Indicators
Strands and Learning Standards
The Basic Education Core Curriculum prescribes a total of 67 standards for the eight learning areas.
Learner Development Activities
- Counseling activities
- Activities for social and public interest
2.Student activities
Educational Levels
2.Lower Secondary Education Level (Lower secondary education grades 1-3, also known as grades 7-9)
3.Upper Secondary Education Level (Upper secondary education grades 4-6, alsoknown as grades 10-12)
1.Primary Education Level (Primary education grades1-6)
Prescribing structure for basic and additional learning time
Primary education level (Grades 1-6), totalling 6 years: 60 hours.
Lower secondary education level (Grades 7-9), totalling 3 years: 45 hours.
Upper secondary education level (Grades 10-12), totalling 3 years: 60 hours.