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Sport Policy (Canadian Sport Policy (Thibault & Harvey (Eds), 2013 -…
Sport Policy
Canadian Sport Policy
Comeau, 2013 - The evolution of Canadian sport policy
Examines Canadian sport policy over time, identifying 4 distinct periods of policy influence
Thibault & Harvey (Eds), 2013 - Sport Policy in Canada
Comprehensive book outlining Canadian sport policy from various perspectives
Thibault & Harvey, 2013 - The evolution of Federal sport policy from 1960 to today
Thorough overview of people, reports, acts, events that shaped the sport system thus far
Harvey, 2013 - Multi-level governance and sport policy in Canada
overview of how each of the three levels of sport interact and by which policies/agreements
Kidd, 2013 - Canada and sport for development and peace
Overview of Canada's role in international SDP and the gov'ts stance on it
Kikulis, 2013 - Contemporary policy issues in high performance sport
High performance sport and funding in Canada, important events and documents
Thibault & Babiak, 2013 - Athlete Development and Support
discusses athlete funding - OTP, AAP, CANFund, etc.
Donnelly, 2013 - Sport Participation
Covers strategies used to combat declining participation in Canada
Beamish, 2013 - Olympic ideals vs. performance imperativeL The history of Canada's anti-doping policy
covers CCES, anti-doping, Canada's role in WADA
McCloy & Thibault, 2013 - Hosting Policies of Sport Events
covers the evolution of the federal policy for hosting international sporting events
Forsyth & Paraschak, 2013 - The Double Helix: Aboriginal People and Sport Policy in Canada
talks about parallel sport systems, importance of autonomy, federal policy on sport for aboriginal peoples
Howe, 2013 - Policy on Sport for the Disabled
talks about inclusion and equity, importance of distinction to ensure needs are met, etc.
Safai, 2013 - Women in Sport Policy
discusses CAAWS, state of women and girls in sport, events that occurred leading into the first women in sport policy
Fraser, 2013 - Official Languages and the Canadian Sport System
written by the Commissioner of Official Languages, discusses Official Languages Act and bilingualism policies
Frisby & Ponic, 2013 - Sport and Social Inclusion
discuss social inclusion more broadly, how policy is about 'opening doors' yet we actually need to change the culture to bring true inclusion to sport
Comeau, 2009 - The "Illusion of Inclusion"? The Role of Consultation Processes in Canadian Sport-Policy-Making
in-depth analysis of the process culminating in the 2002 Canadian Sport Policy
Sam, 2011 - Building legitimacy at Sport Canada: pitfalls of public value creation?
Investigates how Sport Canada has gained legitimacy through public value creation. Highlights consequences of public value creation (over-commitment, for example)
Dowling & Washington, 2017 - Epistemic communities and Knowledge-Based Professional Networks in Sport Policy and Governance: A Case Study of the CS4L Team
Presents how the CS4LLT gained legitimacy and shaped the sport policy area in Canada
Sport for Life Society, 2016 - CS4L LTAD
Document outlining long-term athlete development model
Sport Canada, 2002; 2012 - Canadian Sport Policy
Document outlining goals and objectives for Canada in sport
Policy Comparisons
Green, 2004 - Power, policy, and political priorities: Elite sport development in Canada and the UK
Looks at gov't relationship with NSOs NSGBs and how political priorities have driven a focus on elite sport dev't vs grassroots
Green, 2007 - Olympic glory or grassroots development? Sport policy priorities in Australia, Canada, and the UK
Traces historical and sociopolitical changes in each country 1960-2006, looking at policy dev't in elite levels of sport
Dowling, Brown, Legg, & Grix, 2018 - Deconstructing comparative sport policy analysis: assumptions, challenges, and new directions
This methodological paper outlines challenges and issues in conducting comparative sport policy research, and offers ways to improve and move forward. Uses existing literature to demonstrate these points.
Misener & Mason, 2008 - Urban Regimes and the Sporting Events Agenda: A Cross-National Comparison of Civic Development Strategies
Compares Melbourne, Edmonton, and Manchester and establishes that each city has a symbolic regime to use sport as part of broader development strategies
Bergsgard, Houlihan, Mangset, Nodland, Rommetvedt, 2007 - Sport Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Stability and Change
Book outlines sport policies, how they have changed, and why in Canada, UK, Germany, and Norway
Policy Documents and Reports
Geeraert, 2018 - An assessment of good governance in five international sports federations
Used the Sports Governance Observer Benchmarking Instrument to assess 5 international sports federations. Common issues were that boards were not held responsible by general assembly, fail to act strategically, no formal stakeholder/inclusion policies, etc.
de Bosscher, Shibli, Westerbeek, & van Bottenburg, 2015 - Successgul elite sport policies: an international comparison of the Sports Policy factors leading to International Sporting Success (SPLISS) in 15 Nations
compared 15 nations on a number of items and compared this to their international competition success
Healey, 2012 - Governance in sport: Outside the box?
Discusses sport governance in Australia and the challenges associated with governing sport compared to other sectors.
Grix, 2010 - The 'governance debate' and the study of sport policy
Explains the governance debate and the governance narrative, and presents the idea of 'asymmetrical network governance' using a brief example of county sport partnerships in the UK.
Grix & Phillpots, 2011 - Revisiting the governance narrative:Asymmetrical network governance and the deviant sport sector
Case study highlighting how sport in the UK does not follow the governance narrative and is subject to asymmetrical network governance
Geeraert, Alm, & Groll, 2013 - Good governance in international sport organizations: An analysis of 35 Olympic sport governing bodies
Evaluates 35 sport governing bodies on their governance practices and argues that the concern with governance in sport is warranted.
Ferkins & Shilbury, 2015 - The stakeholder dilemma in sport governance: Toward the notion of 'stakeowner'
An action research project over 2 years with Squash Victoria brought to light issues of reciprocity and stakeholder salience within the club.
Legacies & Leveraging
Kellett, Hede, & Chalip, 2008 - Social policy for sport events: Leveraging (relationships) with teams from other nations
Looked at two communities paired with visiting nations during the 2006 Commonwealth Games
Chen, Preuss, Hu, Kenyon, Liang, 2018 - Sport Policy Development in China: Legacies of Beijing's 2008 Summer Olympic Games and 2022 Winter Olympic Games
Looked at Olympic-led sport policy changes in China
Taks & Misener, 2016 - Selecting sport events to serve public policy agendas
Case study
, outlines aspects of the bid decision-making process and how to incorporate an event into a city's event portfolio
Hall, 1992 - Chapter 5: The Politics of Hallmark Events
Highlights how events and politics are linked, and the potential ensuing macro- and micro- political impacts of hallmark events.
International Sport Policy
Burbank, Andranovich, & Heying, 2001 - Olympic Dreams: The Impact of Mega-Events on Local Politics
Book highlighting case studies of LA84, Atlanta 1996, and Salt Lake City 2002 and how local politics were both shaped by, and shaped, how the Games were hosted and what impacts the Games made
Andranovich, Burbank, & Heying, 2001 - Olympic Cities: Lessons Learned from Mega-Event Politics
Article essentially summarizing the book. Discusses the mega-event strategy for local development, regime theory, and trends across all three events (mega-event strategy aims to enhance city image, but this does little to impact residents)
Chen, Preuss, Hu, Kenyon, Liang, 2018 - Sport Policy Development in China: Legacies of Beijing's 2008 Summer Olympic Games and 2022 Winter Olympic Games
Looked at Olympic-led sport policy changes in China
Methods and Methodologies
Grix, Lindsey, De Bosscher, Bloyce, 2018 - Theories and methods in sport policy and politics research
Introduction to a special issue highlights trends in the area of sport policy research. Discusses the need for more theoretical work and work grounded in the parent disciplines.
Dowling, Brown, Legg, & Grix, 2018 - Deconstructing comparative sport policy analysis: assumptions, challenges, and new directions
Explains challenges and shortcomings of comparative policy research to date, and suggests for a more philiosophically grounded approach.
Economic Policy
Humphreys & Sauer, 2007 - Guest Editor's Introduction: Sport and Public Policy
Overview of the articles in the special issue, each relating to
economic policy