Cardiovascular Concept Map

Major functions of the cardiovascular system

Anatomy of Heart

Layers of Heart

Blood Flow through heart and body

Major arteries and veins of body

Structural and functional differences between blood vessel types

Intrinsic factors

Cardiac cycle and ECG

Disorders of the cardiovascular system




Inner Layer

Outer layer

Middle layer



Ascending aorta

aortic arch

thoracic arch

abdominal aorta

brachiocephalic trunk

common carotid artery

subclavian artery

axillary artery

brachial artery

radial artery

ulnar artery

common iliac artery

femoral artery

Anterior tibial artery

basilic artery

radial veins

ulnar veins

brachial vein

axillary vein

subclavian vein

brachiocephalic vein

superior vena cava

verterbal vein

internal jugular vein

external jugular vein

femoral vein

great saphenous vein

small saphenous vein

external iliac vein

internal iliac vein

common iliac vein

inferior vena cava

renal veins

gonadal veins














Arteries- Carries blood away from heart

Arterioles- found between arteries and capillaries

Venules- Connects capillaries and veins

Veins- return blood toward heart

Tunica intima- inner lining of blood vessels

Tunica media- middle smooth muscle layer

Tunica externa- outermost fibrous connective tissue

Internal control of heart rate

heart muscles cells contract without nerve impulses in a regular continuous way

elements of intrinsic conduction system: Sa node> av node> av bundle> bundle branches> purkinje fubers> ventriculkar wall>

Events of one complete heart beat

atria contract simultaneously

atria relax then ventricles contract together then relax

Pericarditis: inflammation of pericardium

Angina pectoris: crushing chest pain form lack of blood

Myocardial infarction: heart muscle cells die due to lack of blood to heart muscles

mumur: abnormal or irregular heart sounds can be caused by valve stenosis

valve stenosis: defect in valves failing to open which makes heart pump harder

valve stenosis: defect in valves failing to open which makes heart of pump harder

filbrillation: rapid uncoordinated shuddering of heart muscle which prevents heart from acting as a pump

varicose veins: swollen and twisted veins caused by when valves in veins do not work and cause back flow or pooling of blood

transport of nutrients oxygen and hormones

the removal of metabolic wastes such as carbon dioxide and nitrogenous wastes

Left Atria

Right atria

Left ventricle

right ventricle

bicuspid valve

tricuspid valve

pulmonary valve

aortic valve


pulmonary aterieries

pulmonary veins