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Assessments (73255816-stock-vector-questions-open-neck-shirt-short-sleeve…
Hot Questions
Guiding Questions
Looking at your answer and my answer how could you solve the question differently to get another answer?
Can you list the steps for PEMDAS, and what happens when you get to M/D and A/S?
Opening Questions
What is in this problem looks different than what you are used to seeing, compare it to other problems that you have solved. What do you notice is the same or different?
Looking at this problem and what you know about solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems what do you think will happen when multiple operations are in one problem?
Closing Questions
How would use this in the real word, what is a situation that you need to know order of operations?
Tell me how you solved this question, and justify why this the correct answer to this PEMDAS question?
A formative assessment is a teacher gathering knowledge of students learning, it an informal gathering. Formative assessments allow for the teacher to give feedback and adjust instruction according to student learning.
Quizes, Observations, and Discussions
An Interim or benchmark is an assessment that is done periodically throughout the school year. It allows teachers to see more a whole view of what the students know, over a longer period of time.
A summative assessment shows what students have learned by the end of the whole unit. It allows teachers to see if students have mastered the material taught.
A performance assessment is when a student completes a task that shows what the students know by a task rather than selecting an answer.
A diagnostic assessment will allow for a teacher to know what a student knows prior to learning about a topic or subject. It allows for teachers to see students academic abilities.