Therapeutic communication

Types of Communication





Info spoken by mouth and is heard

Eg: face to face, telephone, speech, lectures,conferences, media

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  1. Giving information: tell facts that the client need.

Written symbols

Eg: letter, reports, info bulletin


Sign language

Body language

Cultural art facts

Eg: facial expression, eye contact, postures, gestures

The way we say something rathen than what we say

Eg: tone of voice

Eg: sign pattern

Eg: the way a person dressed up, make up

Example of Therapeutic Technique

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Active listening: maintain eye contact and receptive nonverbal communication

Accepting: "yes" by nodding head

Offering self: "I'm interest in what you think"

Making observation: "are you comfortable with.."

Broad opening: "is there something about that you like to talk?"

Silence: nurse say nothing but still to maintain interest on what client say by nodding head

Giving information: "the toilet is that way"

Giving recognition: "Good afternoon Mr. A"

  1. Broad opening: encourage the client to introduce the topic.
  1. Silence: absence of verbal communication to provides time to client to put thought or feeling into words.
  1. Giving recognition : acknowledging and aware on client and what they do.
  1. Offering self: making self available to client story.
  1. Making observation : observe the client behavior
  1. Active listening: active process of receiving information and examine client reaction to what nurse said.
  1. Accepting: accept client perception without judgments.

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Physiological barrier - individual's discomfort eg: hearing difficulty

Barrier of Communication

Language barrier

Psychological barrier - individual's state of mind

Difference culture have different belief, values and perception.

Physical barrier - Noisy environment interrupt the communication

Gender barrier - communication styles between gender are often different.

Lack of attention, interest during communication

Unclear information and messages.


"The process of transmitting messages and interpreting meaning." - Wilson et al., 1995

Transferring or exchanging information ideas or thoughts easily and correctly through verbal or non-verbal language


Therapeutic communication: The nurse seeks to elicit a response from the patient, that is beneficial to the patient's mental and physical health

Therapeutic relationship: Facilitates positive change in the patient who seeks assistance