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Lecture 13.1: Causes of Floods in the Tropics (Intro (Fluvial flood occurs…
Lecture 13.1: Causes of Floods in the Tropics
excessive rainfall
main & immediate cause
vary in geographical scale (regional: national, intl -> humid tropics. local -> arid tropics)
scale: Kerela, India in 2018. abnormally heavy monsoon rains in SEA. in August, exp 164% more rain than normal, affecting 13/14 districts. damaged 50,000 houses.
scale: 2011 Mekong floods, affecting Viet & Cambodia. tropical storms & typhoons filled river, >150 deaths
1. flash floods are floods of short duration w/ high PD
result from v. intense storms of limited area & short duration (15min to 2h)-> destructive. in arid tropics & urbanised catchments in humid tropics
tropical countries
: 90% of deaths by drowning due to flash floods in small steep catchments upstream of
poorly drained urban areas e.g. KL
monsoons & tropical cyclones: high magnitude, intense rain. in humid tropics, likely
in urban areas so HOF.
monsoons & tropical cyclones: prolonged, high magnitude rain e.g. monsoons. high antecedent moisture. rain on saturated soil-> SOF. H2O stored in soil moisture & groundH2O storages will be
continually released to channel as throughflow & baseflow
e.g. August 2010 flooding of Indus River, Pakistan. 60 hrs of continuous rainfall, 30%>usual total for 3 mths of monsoon
arid tropics: small drainage basins w/ highly impermeable surfaces. lack of roots, high heat (bakes soil dry, closes capillaries)-> v. low
. during convective storms,
so HOF. small basin size further reduces LT-> flash floods
e.g. Feb 2001 Atacama flash flood, Chile, estimated PD for Rio Loa River reached 136m3/s compared to daily 2-8m3/s
ENSO in arid tropics e.g. March 2017 in Peru, ENSO event brought 10x more rain. killed >70, damaged 115,000 homes
rapid snow and ice melt
melting of snow (H2O store) in late spring or early summer releases lots of H2O which exceeds
, HOF. if ground still frozen (impermeable), no infiltration, HOF.
common @ high altitudes in tropics e.g. Himalayas, Andes
affected by thickness of snow/ice, melting rate (gradual -> sustained high discharge, sudden-> large floods), nature of ground (permeability)
exacerbated by rain-> combined flow
e.g. 30-50% of Bangladesh flooded during summer monsoon (Jun-Sep) season yearly. rains + snow melt from Himalayas
Fluvial flood occurs when river discharge exceeds bankfull discharge-> overbank spillage
Flood frequency: how often an area will exp floods
Flood magnitude: impact & intensity of a flood
Floodplain: flat, low-lying area adjacent to many river channels, subjected to recurrent flooding
the f(x) of floodplain: temporary store of discharge & alluvium when river overflows
alluvium: material deposited by rivers
humid tropics
: floods are common due to intense, prolonged rains, esp during wet summer monsoon season
arid tropics
: rare but intense precip-> flash floods
fluvial floods are natural. erosion that occurs is the channel trying to cope w/ increased discharge & erosive power. when river overflows, it spreads out over the floodplain. river loses energy. deposition occurs as H2Os recede.
floods are hazards when there is a pop. @ risk living on floodplains (provide flat fertile land, ready H2O supply) e.g. Ganges, Nile, Mississippi
Bankfull discharge: max vol of discharge that a river channel can carry, beyond which flooding would occur
physical factors
-> xs input of H2O cause floods
human factors
-> alter characteristics of drainage basin, intensify flood occurrence
crop roots thinner, shallower
, less effective in providing pathways for H2O to infiltrate
soil compaction by tractors & cattle further reduces f
agricultural land drainage:
process of draining xs H2O on agricultural land rapidly w/ use of underground drains
into rivers. aim is to reduce H2O ponding so land is not too H2Ologged for high productivity farming e.g. clayey soil
drains can efficiently release H2O from field to channels & their presence is linked to an increase in stream density (albeit underground), leading to quick rise in stream discharge during rainstorms-> floods
soil tilling (ploughing)
loosens soil, H2O drained likely to contain topsoil, washed away by surface runoff, into rivers, reducing carrying cap
: usually LDCs, which are heavily dependent on it
: increases
: wherever there is deforestation, increases. in small basins, more than 4x increase in flood peak folds recorded tgt w/ suspended sediment conc.s up to 100x greater than in rivers draining undisturbed forested land
: increases
encourages generation of HOF (raindrop impact + loss of roots) w/o roots, erosion, increases deposition, reduces channel cap
e.g. flooding in Bangladesh during summer monsoon season exacerbated by deforestation in upstream Ganges-Brahmaputra River H2Osheds
replacement of vegetated soils w/ impermeable surfaces
e.g. concrete.
, cause HOF which flows quickly to channel. interception reduced, impedes infiltration & subsequent percolation. limits soil moisture, groundH2O storages, reduces interception loss. more rain as surface runoff, arrives @ channel
quickly & in large vol.s.
small flood peaks may be increased up to 10x. 1:100 year event may double in size w/ 30% paving cover of basin.
insufficient stormH2O drainage
following building dev. inadequate design cap of these systems, even in DCs.
hydraulically smooth
urban surfaces, w/
dense network
of impermeable surface drains & underground sewers deliver HOF more quickly to channel. short LT, steep RL, high PD. system unable to cope w/ excessive H2O input-> floods
encroachment of embankments, roads & intrusion of bridge supports
reduces width of channel & carrying cap. obstructions e.g. bridges hinder H2O movement, reducing its velocity, encouraging deposition. further reduces carrying cap, increases frequency w/ which high flows overtop banks
: cities w/ high lvl of dev. (DCs/LDCs)
: high. could be 6x more numerous than b4 urbanisation
Climate Change
human-induced global warming exacerbates climatic factors that cause an xs H2O input-> floods. extreme precip events over wet tropical regions v. likely more intense & frequent due to increase in avg temp.
accelerate snow & ice melt. e.g. Chorabari glacier, Himalayas retreating quickly for past 50 years, losing 11% of its SA. caused 2013 flood in Kedarnath, India. >1500 drowned
Volcanic eruptions
cause rapid snowmelt so meltH2O rushes downstream. debris dam formed by lava flows block drainages & channels. H2O accumulates, breaks dam-> floods
e.g. Eyjafjallajokull's eruption in Iceland 2010 melted glacial ice
form debris dams in confined valleys. surges of H2O into valley might cause floods
e.g. landslide created 200 ft dam on Phutkal River, burst
: responsible for largest recorded floods e.g. Phutkal River floods in India 2015 due to summer monsoon in May washed away 10 suspension bridges, 2 sch buildings
: rare