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Veinous Disorders. (VIRCHOWS TRIAD (Perfect combonation for DVT's)…
Veinous Disorders.
(Perfect combonation for DVT's)
Stsis occurs through stasis of blood and fault valves
Endothelial injury causes by damage to the inside of the vessel.
Hypercoagulability this puts a person at an increased risk for clot formations.
DVT Prevention
Loveno, Heparin, SCD's,Increase fluids, Ambluation, TED hose, Elimination prolong sitting, Leg Pumps, edema, redness, warmth ,and avoid crossing legs.
Rest, Elevate legs in bed or chair, DO NOT rub or press, mesaure cirumfrance of affected leg at same location each shit.
Vareicose Veins-
Distended protruding veings that appear darkened often seen in people older than 30 can be deep vein wall will be weakened and dilate, increase venouse pressure, causing valves become weak.
3 E's Elastic compression hose, Exercise, Elevation promotes venous return and prevent relux.
Occurs in incompetent valves, could lead to venous statsis and blood not being able to return back to heart, see distenion in these vessels,due to the inflammation of vessels
- Meausring for DVT highly sensitive but not spefcfic.
Before starting meds do LABS! APTT(1 1/2 to 2 times normal value) ,PT,INR,CBC,Creatine
Montior blood after intiaing anticoagulant therapy: Occult blood checking for blood in stool.
Anticoaglulant-stops newblood from forming do not break old lots up!
Anticoagulants medication: Heparin (APTT Lab) always give bolus first then give IV,Warfarin, Low molecular weight
Don't give
low platelt count, bleeding disorders, pt. has had a recent lumbar puncute, HIT heparin incuded thrombo cynapena.
Vitamin K is antadote
Spider Veins-
Dilated intradermal veins less than 1-3 mm visible to skin surface. don't bother patient.