Life Science & Molecular Machines

Types of cells


Cell Division







  • Prokaryotic cells are found in unicellular organisms
  • go through asexual reproduction
  • Eukaryotic cells are found in multicellular organisms
  • All eukaryotic organisms (multicellular or unicellular) all go through mitosis.
  • An organisms physical appearance
  • The phenotype is Made based on the geonotype of an organism
  • Mainly determined by genes
  • creates four daughter cells
  • Made up of two alleles
  • can either be heterozygous, homozygous dominant, or homozygous recessive
  • Make up an organisms genetic material
  • Creates two daughter cells
  • Meiosis is the division of sex cells
  • Mitosis is how body cells repair thereselves
  • Each cell has 23 chromosomes so when they combine with another sex cell they have 46 chromosomes
  • Mitosis is asexual reproduction
  • The domains Bacteria and Archea consists of prokaryotes
  • Eukaryotic cells do hace a nucleus

Flowering Plants & seeds

pollinating flowers

seed dispersal

  • mutual relationship
  • pollinators move pollen to other plants
  • can be dispearsed by wind or other animals
  • flowers get pollinated by pollinators
  • Helps plants suvive because if they didn't get dispersed they would overthrow parent plants and take all the sunlight and nutrients from them.
  • Is the reason plants are suviving on other parts of the earth because they get transported to other places