Nostalgia as a Marketing Strategy
Source: from Greek – combination of the two words “nóstos” (homecoming) and “álgos” (pain, ache)
Meaning: bittersweet pain of coming back home after an absence, and remembering the past
Research of using Nostalgia
people who were asked to conjure up nostalgic memories are willing to pay a higher price for a set of products
help foster feelings of security for consumers
Feature: positive and soothing effect
Function: an improved mood, a boost in self esteem, a decrease in stress and positive feelings, serving a defense mechanism and protecting people from bad memories
In Marketing: keeping the original packaging of certain products unchanged or re-introducing to bring back past clients, bringing back old products by popular demand.
Methods to to inject a “good old times” vibe into marketing
• reminiscing about popular things from the past (food products, toys, TV shows, etc.)
• paying a tribute to a famous historical event
• creating an ad in which an iconic celebrity (a former actor, musician, etc.) endorses the product
• bringing back by popular demand an old, beloved product
• reviving an old campaign the brand had used in the distant past
• using “retro” style elements in design, for example, a font that was popular several decades ago for a logo or an ad.
Facebook’s Memories
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