E102 Week 18- Writing Academic Essays
essay plan
Brainstorming - I do
all ideas down then pick the most relevant ones
spot/ use high level generalisations , pull out key points -
want inclusion
p of non disabled more supportive if exposed to it
mixed feelings
if experienced in inclusion=supportive not experienced = reticent
negative initial attitudes trasform once teaching the child (in most cases) ref
social benefit
Academic Development
integration better for social development (most refs)
language dev not really affected whether integrated or separated (Jenkins, Speltz, & Odom, 1985).
development delay improved when integrated while further regression if segregated (Cole & Meyer, 1991 cited in (Adapted from Harrower, 1999, p. 216, 222)
Unpack the title – instruction words/concept words.
Brainstorm what you already know.
Identify some of what you need to know (generate questions you need to answer).
Actively read academic texts, looking for answers and suitable material.
Write an initial essay plan, paying special attention to the assignment title.
Begin the first draft: start anywhere (intro, middle, end), but you may find it easier to write a provisional introduction to get you started, which you come back to and change as your thinking in the essay develops.
Write a second draft, giving much more attention to how you are organising the whole essay. The assignment-writing checklist will remind you what to focus on. This includes: the use of source materials (paraphrasing, summarising, writing in your own words, referencing); organisation of the text (high-level generalisations, structure); your academic writing style (use of technical/specialised words); and quality of presentation (grammar, spelling and punctuation).
Write a third draft, trying to read it the way your tutor will read it. Make final corrections to the grammar, spelling and punctuation, and consider the layout and word-processing format.
write a plan !!!
paragraph 1
it links back to the title
it gives a general background to the topic
it identifies the key concepts
it states the argument or central claim of the essay
it says how the essay will be organised.
paragraph 2- define
paragraphs 3, 4 , 5= talk about what you highlighted in introduction -