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Business Ethics (Context (Whistle blowing- when an employee of a business…
Business Ethics
Whistle blowing- when an employee of a business chooses to make public their belife that what their employer is doing is unethical when they beieve reporting it internally will not make a difference
Globalisation - gies companies that opportunity to move production to low-wage countries and make enormous profits or tax evade resulting in transational corporations
Share holders - those who have invested money into the business and businesses have a responsibility to act in there interest
Big businesses in modern day are set up so no one person is liable as the business essentailly owns itself
Economics by Milton Freidman covinced Politicians such as Ronald Regand and Margaret Thatcher that if businesses were 'set free' to persue profit the benefits of the growth would 'trickle down' so government regulation was reduced
Philanthropic responsabilitys - coined by Caroll as ethical responsibilitys the society expects businesses to take
Business and Enviroment
National Geographic's Greendex system - sustainable consumption index of actual consumer behaviour and material lifestile across 18 countries
Wayne Ellwood proposed the World Trade Organisation shoul' require all governments to stabilise greehouse gasses at 1990's levle' in 2005
Poeple belive that dealing with enviromental crisis should be done by individual businesses not regulated by international trade agreements
not a means to an end , duty to each other
Whitsle blowing
duty an uniersalixability, any lying is wrong
Ethical business
lying is wrong , no mans to ends and fulfil your duty
Christian Ethics
'you shall not keep for yourself the wages of a labourer until morning ( Leveticus ) Must not exploit wokers to poerty ( Amos,Hosea)
oecumene the idea of creating a global family under god. Amartya Sen is the hunger and starvation caused by a lack of money glabalisation can help prevent
Ethical business
truth and honesty, love thy neighborough and treat others ads you would want to be treated
Natural law
Griez- corporate finance is not irtuous as it goes against the primary precepts by causing dischord in society
Businesses like organs in a body. The final end should be hapiness in all parts of the business. Encyclicle Rerum Novarum supoorts workers unions
Virtue Ethics
Valasquez said the executie of the company must have good ethics and cannot abuse power a viruious boss= virtious company
Whitsle blowing
traits and motives of whistle blower, justice and intergrity
all pleasures of consumers should be met as they are the majority. However Law utalitarianism would argue thar employee and consumer pleasures must be balanced with preference
anything is ok if maj are happy . Rule belived in codes and laws of conduct and prefernece believes in keeping everyone happy amximising welfare
Globalisationok if it maximises happiness ie gloabl affluence but mill would say no child labor as a rule and singer belied in intrinisc human woth ( same with enviroment)
Employers/ Employees
Employers haea duty to the Employeesnot to treat them as a means to an end but valuing them as a stakeholder
Virtue Ethics
It is the duty of those in charge to lead by example to avoid fraud, bulling, tax evasion and abuse of power
emphasise charceter and training in virute in terms of aiming at excellence, truth telling respect and justice
Greatest good could be seen in the terms of the greatest profit resulting in ruthless attempts to maximise profit
Utalitarianism is based on democray and discourages over selfishness so might suggest to look at a breoader interest of people
resists whistle blosing depending on the ahrm it might do - not for the greatest good, weigh the balance
Everyone should haea degree of freedom and the governemnt should only restrict freedom to make sure eeryone has the same amount
Without goernemntal control humans would act like all other animals the strongest would dominate and the weak be wiped out
Transnational businesses are often more powerful and wealthy then national governemtns leading to unethical practise
for the gretest good- 800 mill chinese hae been lifted out of poerty since it opened up its economy in 1978
Its goods does massively outweigh its disadantages as proed by the small number of courntries who havent taken part in globalisation
Utalitarianism is a self justification by rich countries who want poor countries to open their market to Western goods to be produced at the lowest cost.