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Image 3- tree climbing (D (E (So at my nursery the children go to forest…
Image 3- tree climbing
So yeah tree climbing has it’s dangers because some of those branches look quite thin like the child that’s higher up there… some of those branches look quite thin and so could snap and break which is quite a risk but I think it’s a good opportunity for children to learn those skills and understand… so their leanring about the differences you know when their climbing I think theres a lot of scope there for the children to learn it’s a nice natural environment. The children can make their own erm think they can be more imaginative with the trees than they can with the previous image… so I think it has a lot more oppurntities for the children
I think tree climibing is dangerous and it is a risk and it has to be done in a safe way and supervised and make sure that it is risk assessed and like obviosusly the age of the children.. talk to them about the dangers and making them aware of you know.. that some of the branches are perhaps going to be thin and we need to be careful… so I think it develops their understanding of risk.
Yeah when we’ve erm made dens and gone for walks in woods and things.. then obviously you know some of the older children might want to climb higher but we always have to speak to the children… especially with the older children erm not so much in the nursery because I don’t think you get that opportunity with the younger children but with older children so like 5 year olds getting them to understand the danger… and it gives them the opportunity to discuss those aswell to learn those skills to manage risks and help them to understand about safety.
It’s quite dangerous climbing up that cause of the sticks could snap… There’s no adults like underneath. It doesn’t look like a very thick branch so obviously it could snap and it could be like all… like you don’t know in the middle it could be like all…
child engage in similar play? - No I know when I was younger I used to but I was obviously like in my teens but I sort of knew what I was climbing but obviously those kids they won’t have a clue if the branches are strong enough for them and stuff… Like anything could happen… go in their eye or something.
Anything you'd change about the image?
I’d probably tell them to get off the branch. Erm maybe play with one’s that are maybe lower to the ground like theres one right at the bottom. But obviously theres like rocks at the bottom so they still could fall. But yeah wouldn’t be too comfortable with that.
Erm bit on the edge with this little one, at the end of the tree ( Points to male child in the image on the branch) erm… yeah
when asked about the girl -
She looks a bit older… erm… so probably a bit more aware of risk and things… and hopefully their being watched.
Child engage in similar play?
Not child’s name as yet… erm… yeah we used to climb trees (chuckles) as a kid… so ive probably done similar.
asked what about when hes older?-
When he’s older… yeah… and more erm kind of aware of what he’s doing.
Yeah it’s brilliant like I said we love doing this (referring to the children climbing tree’s) in the summer time and I think it’s good because it gives them great confidence. There is a little bit of a risk with it but there’s just something that you know… they need to take those risks… to build that confidence.
Similar experiences - Yeah so we go to loads of different parks… and like (parks name) and stuff they do stuff like that there… they build dens with logs and stuff so yeah.
Anything you would change in the image? -I think I’d make him wear shoes. Erm just… because obviously he could injure himself, get splinters he’s more likely to hurt himself with no shoes on. Erm... nothing really apart from the shoe’s… think they’ve just got to take risk really haven’t they.
That’s not too bad… because the children are exploring, so again they are using their iniative and becoming more confident in climbing.
So at my nursery the children go to forest school, so they’ve had an experince where they’ve had to make climbing frames using like ropes and whatever and they’ve gone playing on it. Erm… but again the children have become more confident in that area so then they’ve been able to climb up it and yeah…
Feelings- Yeah so… I was a bit on edge because I was worried that they wouldn’t be able to get back down but they managed to do it and they were able to help one another then and using teamwork.
I’m comfortable with that because again the children will have to find a way of getting back down so we can then support the children if like they are stuck.