
Mechanisms are devices that transmit and convert forces and mouons from a driving force output element.

we can clasification in this way

to transmit of motion (linear motion and rotary motion )

to convert to motion (rotary to linear and rotary recirocatmg)

linear motion mechanisms

These transmit motion and force in a straight line from one point to another, for example, a lever or a pulley

levers is a ngid bar that is used ivith a point of support or a

tipes of levels there are three classes class 1-The load and the effort are on opposite sides class2- The load is between the effort and the The effort o between the fulcrum and the fulcrum class 3The effort o between the fulcrum and the
of the fulcrum.

fixed pulleys A fixed pulley is balanced when the effort, F, is equal to the load. R:

Moveable pulleys A moveable pulley is balanced when it iulfil this equation:

Compound pulleys This is a set of fixed and moveable pulleys, often called a block and tackle.

Rotary motion mechanisms

Friction drive

This is made up Of two or more velar by N
wheels that are in contact.

wheel 1 is called the primary drive wheel

The output wheel rotates in the opposite direction to the primary

Pulleys with belts

There are two pulleys or wheels wheel 1
dnven wheel rorate> that are a certain distance apart

Th e>r axles are parallel and they rotate simultaneously

the rotary of one axle is transmitred to the other ia the connected

Th e two pulleys land the two axles) rotate >n the same direct>on

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