The meaning which exist in modality of language is an enclosed phenomenon where the word 'enclosure' itself is the part of the modality

The question to sneak out of the modality refers the vector back to the same modality without leading anywhere else so the effort to do that is redundant.

What is there outside of the modality is a tautological question

The understanding that your understanding is better or less than anyone else is ridiculous for the meme 'understanding' is built upon nothing but assumptions and one assumption is as good or worse than the other.

There are only frame of references and no correct or wrong understanding at all. et even this statement is self contradicting

Without asking any 'WHYs' to choose below mentioned frame of reference. ' The only practical reference there is to lean towards the act of judging and labeling the quality of understanding is the outcome in terms of resources or potential to gain resources

Language lead to Raw Memes which are the basic building blocks of understanding and meaning. Synthetic structure of these processed memes can lead to even complicated emerging memes which serve more or less as tools aimed at securing resources.

The smartest move is to absorb and assimilate well documented already processed memes which are intended for the other individuals to leverage from and save immense amount of time

The assimilated memes can be further
improved upon and optimized to
Fit our own use case Thus technically giving rise to new memes

The emerging even more complex memes will arrest
a perpetual state of emergence for the effectiveness of the epiphenomenal instrument aimed to be an end to the means which again are 'resources' will only remain potent for a particular period of time.

The Modality of ressources need further expansion

Direct consumable resources which are ends unto itself and can be labelled liabilities

Indirect Resources which lead to direct resources and can be labelled as Assets

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There are some cluster of memes that are more potent to launch you closer to the resource accumulation than other meme cluster but yes almost all memes have the capacity to serve under these parent meme cluster aimed to secure more resources ( e.g business, money management, wealth creation )

The meme, 'value' come in picture which serves as a currency/token governing 'resources' and it warrants nuanced distinctions to further the map which is nothing but a colossal meme unto itself

Any instance or occurrence which might be intended or unintended which furthers a cause backed by intent can warrant the label 'Value/Valuable' for the intending party

There are countless instances which serve to deliver 'value' all of which can operate in one or multiple modalities

Value delivered in one modality can warrant barter of value in same or different modality

This brings up to another meme i.e 'Money' which is a unit to quantify the scope of value. It can very well be said, money in itself isn't value but is a token which facilitates exchange of value rendering the barter independent of the modality for both parties commencing the exchange of value

It's important to assimilate the meme 'wealth' at this point as well which can be explained as tangible and intangible assets which have ability to generate value which ultimately can be traded for exchange of 'Money'. These value generating assets might have their mode of sustenance, dependent or independent of any necessary intervention.

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