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Understanding Java Operators (Unary Operators (Increment and Decrement…
Understanding Java Operators
Special symbols
applied set of variables, values, or literals
unary, binary and ternary
Pre-unary operator
Post-unary operator:
Operator modulus (%)
negative integer dividend
result of remainder will be between (-y + 1) à 0
y is divisor
positive integer dividend
result of remainder will be between 0 à (y - 1)
y is divisor
e.g 10 % 3 = 1
Numeric promotion rules
convertion to large type
convertion to float-point
byte, char, short promoted to int
result will have the same data type promoted
int x; long y;
x * y
x promoted to long
1 rule
double x; float y;
x + y
y promoted to double
1 rule
short x; short y;
x / y;
x and y promoted to int
3 rule
short x; float y; double z;
x promoted int
x promoted float
x * y promoted double
all rules
Binary Arithmetic Operators
mathematical operator
logical expressions
basic variable assignment
Unary Operators
required one operand or variable
Indicate positive number
Indicate negative number
Increment 1
Decrement 1
Invert Boolean's logical value
Logical Complement Operator
e.g x = true;
x = !x; //x = false
Negation operator
e.g int x = 1.21;
x = -x; //-1.21
int x = !5;//Does not compile
boolean y = -true; //Does not compile
boolean z = !0; //Does not compile
Increment and Decrement Operators
operator and after return value
e.g ++counter;
return value and after operator
e.g counter++;
int x = 3;
int y = ++x * 5 / x-- + --x;
result x = 2; y = 7;
operators occur by left-hand side
Operator assignment
e.g int x = (int) 1.0;
casting double to int
Casting primitive values
occur overflow or underflow
e.g overflow short s = 1_922_222;
s will be 20.678.
e.g underflow int i = 2_147_483_647 +1;
i will be -2147483648
Compound assignment operator
cast withou explicity
e.g long x = 10; int y = 5;
y *= x; //Compile
y = y * x;//Does not compile
Relational Operators
References object
a instanceof b
True if reference point to class, subclass or implements interface
out of scope of OCA exam
primitive values
>, <, <=, >=
e.g int x = 10, z = 11;
x < z //true
Return a boolean value
Logical Operators
logical operators
&, |, ^
& And. Out true if both true
| Inclusive OR. Out false if both false
^ Exclusive OR. Out true if both different
bitwise operators
Compare bits from numeric values
short-circuit operators
&&, ||, ^^
e.g if(x != null && x.getValue() < 5)
x null, right-hand side will never be evaluated
e.g if(x!= null & x.getValue() <5)
x null, throw an exception, right-hand side was evaluated
e.g int x = 6;
boolean y = (x >= 6) || (++x <= 7)
out x will be 6
Equality Operators
operator equal
operator not equal
used three scenarios
1- Comparing two numeric primtive types
Comparing two booleans value
Comparing two Objects, including null and String values
pay attention in the data types when using equality
e.g File x = new File("mytext.txt");
File z = x;
x == z is true