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Intervention (Counselling) (Emotion Correct/Transform: (i) Emotional…
Emotion Correct/Transform: (i) Emotional Correction by secure emotional response: 12歲後耐d啫 (frontal cortex stabilized). (ii) Correct wk model: Low self esteem 都因比較。Realistic view of self 有優點有強項。成日鬧人點叫人對你好。Realistic view of others: 媽上次 xx 都錫你架。沙石裡揾寶石, 加強 (iii) Identity: 認識自己優缺點性格靈性/ build up new working model. E.g. Adventure 原來我可以跳船,Debriefing 你仲可以識朋友 etcchange wk model 以為唔得既自己
Socratic Questioning: 你裡面發生咩事令你咁大壓力? (講倒出唻才可) Validate 你識唻揾人幫手喎。識簡。
Secure response: 臨在 > 感應 > 表達理解 > 反影 underlying 情緒 > 確認: 我聽到/睇到你 xx 難怪你 xx 同埋覺得人地..(my needs 被看見,接納,肯定,諒解-係咪咁呀?
Presenting issue > Attachment issue (wk model 點睇自己+別人) > Needs > Intervene.
分咩 attachment type 俾對應 response. 分邊個 stage of seperation anxiety 俾對應 respnse。若係 attention seeking = 家人俾唔夠 +ve response。太激? call 白車前"我知你好唔開心。平靜左再傾。我陣間會慢慢聽慢慢處理"
I position: 表達自己立場同感受: 我明白你都係控制唔倒要打仔,但我作為社工呢我都必須要講,打仔呢個香港既法例呢係會有後果既。啫雖然我知咁樣講完可能會有壓力,我唔希望俾壓力,如果有困難,點樣可以唔咁樣呢,我地一齊諗辦法。點面對點調節情緒
Emotn Aware:每次低潮都出返個 lost 既畫面個感覺, until aware the linkage. Tolerate (recog, validate, accept):係呀好xx, 多謝你話我知呀, 難怪你xx. Reconnect: 最近有咩開心野呀講D唻聽下? 冇?! 咁咪好辛苦囉? 唔得喎自己既活開唔開心都係自己有份架麻 幫我留意下, 因為我都想你開心麻, 要識照顧自己。 Self-soothing
Emotion Reg then adjust 與人相處模式:1st stage protest. 嬲死媽 (i) reflect original emotn (fear & disapoint) 佢淨識 react. 當你最 need 時媽冇,你好失望傷心. (ii) Conjesture猜: 如果我係你。不單冇支持仲加舊石。最希望媽媽明白你諒解你。幫佢表達+reflect primary emotn. (認知 表達 調節)明你好嬲,reflect need. 難怪 xx ==>今次咁人地有冇明白你多左?下次點呢?教勒。
ID Building
優缺點,性格各層次,精神moral 聽到你好擔心媽唔接納你。我欣賞你負責(靈性),唻搵我傾。諗辦法解決。
不要成日贊? 視乎你點贊。X我覺得你比阿B叻勒 => 嗯我睇到你既視藝好叻喎。
爸爸走左冇attachment但yanning但係冇希望有朋友。甚至唔需畏朋友/同學。爸爸係playful。佢揾男朋友可能係補足,好呀仍有呢個渴望。Aware 同爸爸關係,中間 miss乜,look for 乜,揾個男性 figure guide 佢。
教阿女安全性交。Focus on 自我認識。原來你係咩人 personality dimension. Look for 咩 goals, look for 咩男仔。慢慢睇返佢 look for 正既男仔,但做到咁隨便,正既男仔見到你都啃料啦。所以 set goal要識咩男仔, 知返自己既優缺點。Set life goal 原來英文好好。
勿即安慰: facilitate 自省能力
Cognition restructure (COME, FUCK SLAP) psychoedu + dispute),
Vol / Trigger >> Diff / Problem >> Feelings >> Coping >> Effects >> alternative Copings >> Feelings
(i) Cost-benefit Analysis ( (ii) Emotn myth iii) 阿媽生? 你 fn 唔到, 你唻做咩? Miserable vs move on?
Assess: Activating event - Belief - Emotn/Beh conseq > Target behav/thought to change > Edu > Replace & Rehearse .> Written contract with goals & expectatn > Agree & sign
Attribution: Adversity – Belief – Consequence (emotion/behavior):
(i) Specific vs Global (: 處理呢件事 vs 所有事 (如意事 global).
(ii) External vs Internal 場地硬 vs 冇練習 (不如意事樂觀睇=對手有經).
(iii) Tem vs Permanent: 偶爾 vs 總是 (一向關心我, 當日心情唔好)
(i) Sense of mastery: Optimism & Self-efficacy (+ve expectation, persistent).
(ii) Sense of relatedness: 有至少1emotional supp. Able to bal diff + 保持關係
(iii) Emotional reactivity Sensitivity, Recovery,Impairment
Strength/Protective factor
: I am 成功M記求職者,
I have care & support
I can achieve
活動 create mastery. 逆境 debriefing (CAR) = build resiliency: Overgenerate: 咁難都得
(iii) 面對不可預測的人生挑戰 Expect the unexpected = 成長 (落雨冇咩好怕), Always have a plan B
冰山: Behavior - Coping (stance) - Feeling - Decision abt feeling - Perception (thought, value) - Expectation (點睇自己點睇人, 人地點睇自己) - Yearning (Connect, Love, Freedom, Belonging, Acceptance) => 點樣可以得到?
Each stance has resource: Caring/Assertive/Playful/Intellectual
Name, Bday, Occupation, Edu
3 description, coping stance
Other family members
Fam rules & pattern
Experiential Learning:
不要抺走 Past - Expand perception + create new connection -> new feeling, about feeling, new perception, new choice. E.g. 為愛而生, 爸爸自己都好多困難
Reflect dev: 呢個母子沖突你細時有過嗎? 幾想被愛? 幾冇安全感? 幫佢modify reaction to life experience
Reflect pattern dynamic: 以前有冇試過咁嫐呀? 發生咩事? 嗲功引兵而一自知。揾既阿爸咁靚既男仔而不自知。
(i) Primary feeling (痛心) (ii) Belief (温左咁耐冇理由得10分) (iii) 俾返+ve regard (感謝肯唻見1st step) (iv) Motivate (既然唔甘心, 諗下點做好D)
Enactment: role-play a problematic situation to help modify (com pattern, stuck point. e.g. 管唔拈, 做埋佢果份
Hierarchy, rule/roles - hidden message & double standard, boundaries, subsystems (couple, parental, sibling, 每個人). 家長不要供養哂, 不要霸野講,
Life cycle: 經濟,家務, 情緒,協商,溝通,期望?Cope with change? Needs - response? Circulation Q: 俾著阿仔/媽會點諗於是點做
Problem, not person
Authoring: Reality is socially constructed. Help client tell their story in their own words, make meaning and find purpose in our own experience
Externalization: 改行為 > 人格.: angry person vs sometimes act aggressively - 同佢拆同佢睇真D問題的根源勒. 唔係因為你唔可愛,係爸爸未成年就生女,自己都有好多issues。(就不會 internalize自己唔可愛/矜貴**
Meaning: we can create our own (Existentialism)
Gradual 升 gaols: 你得既差少少啫
relational change. 改變既成功經驗有冇同家人講?若知道會點。冇咩反應=知佢地關係 quality of relationship.
就算Relapse 都會有進步: 例如 aware自己又犯了, 有賭少左, 似乎好左你認為呢?
MIC: Model, Independent, Com
Assess 個介入有冇效
Assess base on interventn? Intervention 時 Eva 問 client 我地用呢個 approach. 你覺得點. 做成點,ok/唔ok因為咩? Efficience effectiveness. 繼續定轉?
Socratic Q