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OTB Chapter 11 (contingency theories (Hersey and Blanchard's
OTB Chapter 11
contingency theories
Fiedler's leadership contingency theory-
group effectiveness depends on an
appropriate match between a leader's
style and the demands of the situation.
three variables
leader-member relations (member support for the leader)
task structure (spelling out the leader's task goals, procedures and guidelines in the group)
position power (task expertise and reward/punishment authority)
three control situations
High and low control required a task-motivated leader whereas a moderate control situation requires a relationship motivated leader.
Contingency factors: - employee attributes-authoritarianism (close-mindedness, rigidity), internal-external orientation (locus of control) and ability. Work setting attributes are nature of employees' tasks, formal authority system and the primary work group.
Types of leadership
Supportive leadership focusses on employee needs and wellbeing, a friendly work climate
Achievement-oriented leadership emphasises setting challenging goals, stressing excellence in performance and showing confidence in group members abilities to achieve high standards of performance.
Participative leadership means consulting employees and seeking and accounting for their suggestions before making decisions.
behavioural theories
Ohio studies
highly considerate leaders are sensitive to people's feelings and try to make things pleasant for their followers. Leaders who are high in initiating structure more concerned with spelling out task requirements and the work agenda.
Leadership is a special case of interpersonal influence that gets an individual or group to do what the leader wants done.
Formal leadership is exerted by individuals appointed to or elected to positions of formal authority in organisations.
Informal leadership is exerted by individuals who become influential because they have special skills that meet the needs and resources of others.
Trait theories
theory argues that certain traits are related to success and once they are identified could be used to select effective leaders.